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By Booking A Porn-Maker To Get At Trump, Jimmy Kimmel Degrades America


When did Johnny Carson’s late-night American tradition degrade into Jerry Springer? About the time Jimmy Kimmel decided it would be great to book a porn generator who claims she had an affair with Donald Trump in the mid-2000s. To be clear, this story is in line with Trump’s reputation, may be true, and if so provides a legitimate source of grievance for those who put their stock in the character of the person who holds the presidency.

Kimmel’s plan, however, is not for those people. This interview will not make the point that we should all expect better of the person who holds the presidency. It will not hold up fidelity as an expected norm in marriage. It will not introduce Americans to an objection based on character. It certainly will not consider the effects on Melania or Barron Trump, Trump’s wife and child, of this alleged infidelity and publicizing it.

Kimmel does not care whether Trump cheated on his wife. He lives in a town where that is the norm. Unlike his “Man Show” partner Adam Carolla, once he became famous Kimmel divorced his own wife to open dating opportunities. His behavior is not superior to accusations he’s willing to publicize about the president.

This Is All About Spreading Dirt Around

Hosting a porn purveyor who says she willingly participated in infidelity will not shift public conversation to the value of fidelity in marriage, which crucial for family security and happiness. Interviewing the person of low moral character, if she happily slept with a married man whose wife had just given birth, does not exactly drive the point home about Trump’s unworthiness for a public platform. Any person who chooses to pursue or engage with a married person is behaving in a way he or she knows, deep down, is wrong.

That’s the problem with this approach. It is more likely to normalize bad behavior and highlight this woman’s fame-seeking, creating more doubt about the veracity of her account. This is great PR for her, and every appearance of her on TV happily smiling and promoting herself makes her actions appear less harmful.

Kimmel plans to release this interview the night after the United States gathers to watch the president’s State of the Union address. Connecting that with this guest fails to recognize these traditions are larger than Trump or any one president. Jokes regarding Trump are expected of late-night comedians, and there will be humor to mine from the SOTU, but to mire us all in a sit-down interview with the Stormy Daniels promotional tour connects the larger office with this act versus a direct hit on Trump.

Remember the brief moment Sen. Marco Rubio thought he could beat Trump with “size of his hands” jokes? While fleetingly funny, Rubio trafficked in the very thing he found unpresidential about Trump, making his attempt fail. You cannot out-Trump Trump if you want to land a punch.

This Spectacle Will Only Bury the Real Issue

Instead of taking the moral high ground, what Kimmel really wants is a spectacle. He’s fostering one more reminiscent of the human tragedy paraded on Jerry Springer than the welcoming, community-based humor of the late-night hosts who went before him. Kimmel’s lame attempts at regurgitating whatever talking points Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer has given him about illegal immigration, the government shutdown, and health entitlement programs are not a sign of superior moral character. They are the empty screams of a partisan.

Kimmel’s guest choice is about as meaningful as a #TimesUp pin on James Franco. The only way Kimmel could shift this conversation is if he is willing ask tough questions. Challenge Daniels and ask her to be accountable for her part in what she alleges happened between her and Trump. I dare Jimmy Kimmel to ask Daniels to apologize to Melania for any pain she had a part in causing. The only way for Kimmel to prove he is doing this for good reasons is to take a stand against infidelity during this show. I predict he will not.

The joke is on all of us when we choose to elevate moral failings, not in an attempt to condemn them, but to entertain ourselves. Instead of harming Trump’s reputation, Kimmel will end up degrading us all.