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Watch CNN’s Brooke Baldwin Completely Freak Out When A Guest Says ‘Boobs’ On TV

Image Creditscreengrab/CNN

Clay Travis of Fox Sports’s Radio said “boobs” on CNN Friday afternoon and Brooke Baldwin completely freaked out. 


Clay Travis of Fox Sports’s Radio said “boobs” on CNN Friday afternoon and host Brooke Baldwin completely freaked out.

“I believe in only two things completely: the First Amendment and boobs,” Travis said.

“Wait, what did you just say? You believe in the First Amendment and ‘B-double-o-B-s?'” Baldwin said, apparently deciding to spell the word instead of say the word “boobs.”

“Boobs,” Travis responded. “The two things that have never let me down.”

“I’m done, I’m sorry. I’m done,” Baldwin said before promptly ending the segment. “This conversation is over, yanking mics, bye.”

Then addressing her audience, she said: “Forgive me, live television happens and you think you heard something, you are not sure and then you realize it happened, so I apologize for him on that.”