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Ham Pushes Back On CNN Host Who Says Fired Google Employee Didn’t Want ‘Women Anywhere Near A Computer’

When Brooke Baldwin paraphrased the memo as ‘essentially saying well I really don’t like women anywhere near a computer’ not once, but twice, Mary Katharine Ham had to explain the irony.


On Tuesday’s “CNN Newsroom with Brooke Baldwin,” panelist and Federalist senior writer Mary Katharine Ham couldn’t hide her reaction to the host’s ridiculous mischaracterizations during a segment on a former Google engineer’s leaked memo about sex differences.

When Baldwin paraphrased the memo as “essentially saying well I really don’t like women anywhere near a computer” not once, but twice, Ham had to explain the irony of the whole situation.

“One of the things that this person was bringing to the table is that perhaps part of diversity is ideological diversity as well,” she said. “No one seems to recognize the blinding irony of this. He was saying one of the problems with Google was that we are perhaps in this ideological insular bubble, that is so insular that people like me feel silenced.”

Since James Damore’s memo was leaked, the media has been blatantly mischaracterizing its contents.

“Part of the reaction to this has been mainstream folks writing in mainstream publications…that we should beat the ‘bleep’ out of this person for saying it… and those are totalitarian impulses,” Ham said.

Watch the full segment here.