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Payton: Trump Has Legitimate Concerns About A ‘Rigged’ Election

‘His questioning of this being rigged is completely reasonable given that a GOP office in North Carolina was literally firebombed last week.’


Federalist staff writer Bre Payton joined Fox Business’ “Lou Dobbs Tonight” on Thursday night to explain why Trump’s concerns about the electoral process being rigged and wanting a fair election are legitimate.

“It’s perfectly fair to expect a fair election,” Payton said, referring to Donald Trump’s comments that he would only accept the election results if they were fair. “His questioning of this being rigged is completely reasonable given that a GOP office in North Carolina was literally firebombed last week.”

Payton also cited a Pew Charitable Trust study that found one in eight voter registrations was invalid, equating to roughly 18 million invalid voter registrations still being on the rolls — enough to tip an election.

“It’s also telling that a lot of the groups that try to silence or gaslight concerns about voter integrity often are liberal groups,” she added.

“We’re often told that requiring someone to bring a photo ID to the polls is somehow racist,” Payton said. “I think it’s ironic that it often comes from the left and now we’re seeing physical evidence that the left is actually doing this.”