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NFL Team Led By 9/11 Truther Might Boycott National Anthem…On 9/11

Seattle Seahawks players say the team might boycott the national anthem during an upcoming game with the Miami Dolphins on 9/11.


Seattle Seahawks players say the team might boycott the national anthem during an upcoming game with the Miami Dolphins on Sunday, September 11 — the anniversary of the deadliest terror attack on U.S. soil.

Seahawks coach Pete Carroll is a celebrity among 9/11 truthers. In a 2012 meeting with retired four-star general Peter Chiarelli, Carroll badgered him with questions about “every 9/11 conspiracy theory you can think of.”

When asked about his status as a celebrity among conspiracy theorists who think the U.S. government perpetuated the attack on the Twin Towers, he didn’t shy away from it.

“Any notoriety is good I guess,” Carroll said. “I will always be interested in the truth, yeah.”

Seahawks cornerback Jeremy Lane sat down and stayed silent during the national anthem at a preseason game last Thursday. He said his action was to show solidarity for San Francisco 49er Colin Kaepernick, who refused to stand during “The Star Spangled Banner” last month, citing racial oppression in America. Lane said he plans to continue to sit during the national anthem throughout the rest of the season. Other players say the Seahawks might stage a team-wide boycott of the national anthem on on the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks this Sunday, according to The Seattle Times.

“Anything we want to do, it’s not going to be individual. It’s going to be a team thing,” linebacker Bobby Wagner said. “That’s what the world needs to see. The world needs to see people coming together versus being individuals.”

Update: Several hours after this article was published, Seahawks receiver Doug Baldwin said the team was no longer planning to boycott the national anthem.

But the day before, Baldwin complained that his critics didn’t know how to “think logically.”