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Vanity Fair: Huma’s A Hero For Putting Up With Weiner To Help Hillary

Image CreditAlex Brandon/AP

‘What she was willing to put up with in order to do her job well is perhaps the most feminist move we’ve witnessed in the entire election season.’


Vanity Fair is lauding Huma Abedin as a super-feminist for sticking it out with her husband Anthony Weiner as long as she did, putting up with his habit of compulsively sending photos of his junk to random women to get his free childcare for their son so she could get further in her career.

In an article published earlier this week, Emily Jane Fox explains why Huma became an “unlikely feminist hero” for staying with her pervert husband because it enabled her to be Hillary Clinton’s maidservant.

Fox explains that because Wiener had nothing going on in his own professional life, he was able to stay home with their son while Huma went off to work, helping Hillary Clinton mishandle classified information and do favors for Clinton Foundation bigwigs while working at the State Department.

“Abedin wanted to work, hard, and Weiner, for all his flaws, appeared to have become a dutiful stay-at-home dad and caretaker in the years since he exited public life,” Fox writes.

Let’s take a second to remember the reason Weiner “exited” public life. He resigned from his congressional office in 2011 after he was caught texting sexually explicit pictures to women who did not want to receive them. Sure, he was able to stay at home with their child — because nobody wanted to work with him.

Also, mind you, this is the same man who recently sent a lewd photo of himself while he was lying in bed next to his son — who was also captured in the photo. In the wake of this recent sext-a-pade, social services has launched an investigation into Weiner’s parenting decisions. This is not a guy whom I would like to leave my child at home with all day while I was at work.

Nevertheless, Fox says we should all be applauding Huma because her husband’s open schedule meant he could babysit while she traveled with her boss. She goes as far as to say the true test of feminism is how much one is willing to sacrifice his or her dignity in order to better serve Hillary Clinton.

Abedin put her own desire to work to elect a female president before her own pride, before spending more time with her son, before disarming the firing squad of critics shooting at her for her personal decisions for the last five years. . . What she was willing to put up with in order to do her job well is perhaps the most feminist move we’ve witnessed in the entire election season. And in a campaign supposedly all about breaking glass ceilings on one side and speaking the politically incorrect truth on the other, Abedin is leaving the most cracks, and is making the most real choices of anyone.

She’s telling women if they work outside the home, they should expect to be cheated on and should even quietly put up with it for the sake of better serving Queen Hillary.

If that’s what it means to be a feminist nowadays, count me out.

(h/t The Daily Caller)