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What Sen. Ben Sasse Said About The San Bernardino Attack Is Spot On

San Bernardino

“This is not about workplace violence, This is not about global warming or gun shows… This is about who we are, this is about the nature of freedom.”


In front of the candles and flowers marking where 14 Americans lost their lives last week, Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) responded from San Bernardino on the recent attack and on the ongoing fight against radical Islam.

“We’re an open society, we’re a free society, and our enemies hate freedom,” Sasse said. “We owe it to those who died this week to tell the truth about the nature of this conflict.”

“This is not about workplace violence. This is not about global warming or gun shows,” Sasse said. “This is not about anything we’ve done wrong. This is about who we are, this is about the nature of freedom.”

“We are people who unite around the Constitution, we’re people who come together around the First Amendment,” he said.

America isn’t fighting a war against terrorism, which is just an intimidation tactic, or against all Muslims. Rather, we are fighting against militant Islam, he said. America is at war with those who will kill in the name of religion, Sasse said.

“We will win this battle, but we will not win it without reaffirming our core values,” he said. “We will win it because of who we are and because of the ways we continue to fight for a free society for all Americans.”