Planned Parenthood asked people on Twitter to describe the billion-dollar abortion provider in one word, and the response it got was not at all what it expected.
A few months ago, undercover journalists began exposing what Planned Parenthood later admitted — it harvests and trafficks in human organs procured from the bodies of the unborn children whose lives are ended by abortion. It’s been a bit of a public relations disaster. The group enjoys tremendous support from the media and other progressives. It is one of the most important funders of Democratic politicians, who are doing their best to help the group move on from the scandal. And the group receives $500 million in taxpayer funding each year, despite the limited array of services it provides.
But the public relations response has been serious. Working with allies in the media, Planned Parenthood is doing its level best to move past its image as a group that, well, harvests and trafficks in human organs procured from the human bodies of those whose lives they end.
Social media, however, has been quite different. While the mainstream media has refrained from reasonable coverage of the videos that expose Planned Parenthood, social media has not. Millions of Americans have learned about Planned Parenthood’s practices, its willingness to change abortion procedures to procure more organs, the callousness of those who encourage such human organ harvesting, and the steps it takes to hide its practices from the media and government overseers.
A perfect example of the disconnect happened when Planned Parenthood tweeted out a request for help in its public relations recovery campaign:

It went very, very poorly. Responses rolled in, including exploitative, mendacious, corrupt, infanticide, unsanitary, barbarous. Here are a few others.
— Ellie (@Ellen_O_Reilly) November 19, 2015
@PPact Murderous.
— Matthew Braun (@FreiherrBraun) November 19, 2015
@PPact Death.
— Jane ن (@TheLadyJane) November 19, 2015
@PPact Evil
— MAC (@cummingsamerica) November 19, 2015
@PPact Deplorable
— Linda LeCuyer (@lrlecuyer) November 19, 2015
.@PPact Lamborghini
— Josh Smith (@Ebolamerican) November 19, 2015
.@PPact Would you consider
as one word?? #PP #PlannedParenthood
— Chris P. Bacon (@CPBacon4CO) November 19, 2015
@PPact nefarious
— Sandy (@RightGlockMom) November 19, 2015
@PPact Annihilators
— MaryAnnNotGinger (@MAnotGinger) November 19, 2015
@PPact Killers
(of babies AND mothers)
— MemphisStandsForLife (@WomenBtraydMphs) November 19, 2015
@PPact psychopathic
— Rachel Lu (@rclu) November 19, 2015
@PPact evil. death. profit. barbarians. villains. shameful. profiters. racketeers. butchers. deplorable. despicable. harvesters.
— Terri Green (@TerriGreenUSA) November 19, 2015
— E2theRIN (@getyrshinebox) November 19, 2015
@PPact Ghoulish.
— Lori Lee (@simplylorilee) November 19, 2015
— Belinda Boone ن (@BelindaBoone) November 19, 2015
@PPact Hawkers of murdered baby parts. Whoops – I went over the word limit…
— Stephen Smith (@RightHoBertie) November 19, 2015
@PPact merciless
— Flight93_Militia (@SCOAMT) November 19, 2015
@PPact Savage
— A.R. (@Oh_Nandi) November 19, 2015
@PPact Repugnant.
— Christina Butorac (@cbutorac) November 19, 2015
@PPact Greedy
— Just me (@reluctantzealot) November 19, 2015
@PPact can I see the "Thank You" when it's done? Judging by the entries so far, it's going to be awesome.
— GOP_WH_News (@GOP_WH_News) November 19, 2015
The responses keep going and going and going.
@PPact going through the replies on twitter, I don't think this was the best idea.
— Sergeant Sid (@SidSergeant) November 19, 2015
— Tim Haas (@TimHaas70) November 19, 2015