Planned Parenthood will hold a press conference today talking about the “vital” work the nation’s largest abortion provider has done for African-Americans. The organization says it wants to highlight the “vital reproductive and sexual health care services” it provides to black women.
The sad irony is that Planned Parenthood’s “vital” work includes targeting black lives to terminate in the womb.
African-Americans make up 13.2 percent of the U.S. population, yet they account for 30 percent of all abortions. A closer look at Planned Parenthood clinic locations reveals that the abortion provider tends to cluster its offices in low-income zip codes or areas that have a high minority population.
About 50 percent of Planned Parenthood’s patients are enrolled in Medicaid. To put that in context, about 1 in 5 people are enrolled in Medicaid nationwide, which means that most of the people who visit Planned Parenthood are these 20 percent who rely on federal funds to pay for their health care. The disproportionate number of low-income patients and the high number of black abortions make it clear that Planned Parenthood deliberately targets for abortion the children of low-income, minority women.
It’s no surprise that Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger was a huge advocate for eugenics and wanted to discourage those who she deemed as “unfit” from reproducing. She pushed contraceptives and abortions onto minorities and low-income families in order to slow their birth rates. She was also a guest speaker for the Ku Klux Klan and a fanatical supporter of Nazi sterilization laws.
Recently, a group of black pastors spoke out against Sanger and asked the Smithsonian to remove her bust from the museum’s “Struggle For Justice” exhibit in the National Portrait Gallery:
Ironically, Sanger’s bust is featured in the NPG’s ‘Struggle for Justice’ exhibit, alongside two of America’s most celebrated and authentic champions of equal rights – Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks. If Sanger had her way, MLK and Rosa Parks would not have been born.
Though the museum agreed that some of her views are “controversial” and that her affiliations to the eugenics movement “raises questions,” they deemed her likeness worthy of remaining on display. If Sanger could see the impact that Planned Parenthood made in slowing down black birth rates, she would undoubtedly be proud of the organization she founded.
Planned Parenthood’s work is indeed “vital” to the black community, but in the worst way possible. They’re targeting black women and keeping them dependent on abortion-on-demand to fulfill their contraceptive needs. Planned Parenthood is killing black babies at a higher rate than any other race in the U.S., which certainly seems to fulfill the goal of their racist founder to minimize the black population.
The press conference is occurring on the eve of a major congressional oversight hearing, which will investigate how Planned Parenthood spends the $450 million it receives from taxpayers each year. Cecile Richards, the president of Planned Parenthood, is scheduled to testify as a witness.