Planned Parenthood’s allies have been supporting the nation’s largest abortion provider with tweets that show some serious lack of self-awareness. After the House passed a bill to temporarily withhold funds from Planned Parenthood on Friday, an uptick in tweets with the hashtags #StandwithPlannedParenthood and #ShoutYourAbortion floated some oblivious lines to the top of Twitter’s trending page.
Here are seven of the most un-self-aware tweets from Planned Parenthood and its allies.
1. Let’s Ignore the Toll Abortion Has Taken on Black Families
.@PPBlackComm @PPact @POTUS PP actually disproportionately kills black children at triple the rate of white children. Racist perhaps?
— Bruce Hall (@brucedhall) September 20, 2015
2. Hillary Clinton on All the ‘lifesaving’ Work Planned Parenthood Does
.@HillaryClinton Cutting & lifesaving. Interesting choice of words.
— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) September 18, 2015
3. Clinton Has Really Been on a Roll
Unless of course, they’re butchered and sold for their body parts. Or do you call that success in your book? @HillaryClinton
— Neil Kennedy (@ONeilKennedy) September 22, 2015
4. That Time Planned Parenthood Forgot the Millions of Kids Who Aren’t Here to Say the Same
@PPact –said by zero of the 330,000 unborn children whose lives are terminated by @ppact each year
— Mollie (@MZHemingway) September 19, 2015
5. Wendy Davis Reveals She Hasn’t Really Thought about the Pain Abortions Have Caused All the Girls Killed in the Womb
@wendydavis @PPact at least real women in the womb will be saved from being burned alive by saline. #DefundPP
— Logan Williams (@llloganwilliams) September 20, 2015
6. It Seems Sen. Warren Hasn’t Been Inside a CVS Lately
@SenWarren What “cancer screenings?” And “access to birth control?” You mean “my neighborhood drug store?”
— Michael Graham (@IAMMGraham) September 22, 2015
She also seems to not know that Planned Parenthood doesn’t actually perform mammograms.
7. This Grisly Yeast Infection Rant Reveals Mara Wilson Hasn’t Been Shopping in a While Either
I don’t know what’s wrong with your vagina but @speakerboehner isn’t a Doctor. You appear to live in NY. You will be ok @MaraWritesStuff
— Amy (@AmyOtto8) September 19, 2015
Wilson tweeted details about yeast infections for hours, because she apparently thinks Planned Parenthood is the only place to get treatments for yeast infections. But anyone can easily treat a yeast infection with inexpensive, over-the-counter medication from any local drugstore. You can also do simple things like wear underwear made of cotton instead of other fabrics.
It seems she also missed the part about the defunding bill where the unused funds from Planned Parenthood would be redistributed to community health centers for women’s health services, resulting in no financial cutbacks from women’s health.
While the bill responsible for the firestorm of these tweets has passed the House, it seems unlikely it will become a law anytime soon. Senate Democrats will likely block the bill to defund Planned Parenthood.