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The 14 Best Quotes From Trump’s Wild Post-Midterm Presser

‘CNN should be ashamed of themselves having you working for them. You are a rude, terrible person.’


President Trump’s post-midterm press conference was one for the books. After delivering prepared remarks, he fielded questions from reporters for nearly 90 minutes on Wednesday, asserting the results marked a win for the GOP, defending his impact, and expressing eagerness to work on bipartisan legislation with House Democrats.

The presser was full of fantastic quotes and Trumpian moments. Things went off the rails, for example, when Jim Acosta of CNN refused to cede the microphone after Trump tried to toss it to NBC’s Peter Alexander. There was no turning back.

Here’s a rundown of Trump’s top quips from the presser.

1. ‘I don’t know who Little John is.’

2. ‘We are a hot country. This is a hot White House.’

3. ‘It’s called earned media. It’s worth billions.’

4. To Vice President Pence: ‘Mike, will you be my running mate?’

5. To a Japanese reporter: ‘Say hello to Shinzo. I’m sure he’s happy about tariffs on his cars.’

6. On Oprah: ‘I don’t know if she likes me anymore, but that’s okay.’

7. ‘Mia Love showed me no love. And she lost.’

8. On GOP Rep. Mike Coffman’s loss: ‘Too bad, Mike!’

9. To April Ryan: ‘Sit down! I didn’t call you.’

10. To Jim Acosta, as he tried to explain the migrant caravan to the president: ‘Thank you for telling me that, I appreciate it.’

11. To Jim Acosta: ‘I think you should let me run the country. You run CNN. And if you did it well, your ratings would be much better.’

12. To Jim Acosta: ‘Put down the mic.’

13. To Jim Acosta: ‘CNN should be ashamed of themselves having you working for them. You are a rude, terrible person.’

14. To NBC’s Peter Alexander, who defended Jim Acosta: ‘Well, I’m not a big fan of yours either.’