Stories of President Joe Biden’s mental incompetence are flowing freely now, yet someone was still making major decisions on his final morning in office. Among the last decisions made by Biden were the insulting pardons of General Mark Milley, Dr. Anthony Fauci, and “the members and staff of the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol.”
To be pardoned for a crime, there must be a crime. None of the people on this list have been charged for the awful ways they harmed people in their official capacities.
In fact, Biden awarded former Rep. Liz Cheney, a Republican, the Presidential Citizens Medal, one of the nation’s highest civilian honors on Jan. 2, for “Putting the American people over party,” or, more accurately, for leading the Jan. 6 committee like a rabid dog.
As The Federalist’s Tristan Justice recently reported, during the hearings, “Cheney started coordinating with ex-White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson using the encrypted Signal app to circumvent Hutchinson’s attorney, Stefan Passantino. Hutchinson suddenly went from a benign fact-witness without much to offer Jan. 6 investigators to the committee’s breakout star, offering outlandish testimony about then-President Trump attempting to violently hijack a vehicle from his Secret Service detail so he could personally riot at the Capitol.”
So which is it? Award-winning behavior, or a crime? She tampered with a witness and tainted the facts presented to the American people.
Sounds like a crime, and with this preemptive pardon, Biden proves he thinks so too — a crime vulnerable to investigation that would lead to charges. It could be no other reason.
Milley was chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and was the top dog during the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal, which saw 13 soldiers die, hundreds of Americans stranded, and millions of dollars’ worth of military equipment abandoned.
Heads did not roll. Instead, the White House characterized the withdrawal as a success.
Under Milley’s leadership, the military went woke, embracing LGBTQ issues and placed racial equity above military readiness. Federalist writer Jordan Boyd reported in 2021 how, the day before the withdrawal, Milley was in a Senate a hearing explaining that he wanted to understand “white rage.”
The book, “Peril,” claimed that after Jan. 6, Milley called his Chinese counterpart, Gen. Li Zuocheng, and allegedly told him the “American government is stable” and promised the U.S. would not attack and that the Chinese would be warned first.
With the last-minute pardon, Biden finally admits the withdrawal was a crime. But he robs the U.S. of the justice that comes from accountability. It is not surprising; Biden is good at bad exits, a BBC report said.
In a statement, Milley expressed gratitude for the pardon that he believes he does not need.
“I do not wish to spend whatever remaining time the Lord grants me fighting those who unjustly might seek retribution for perceived slights,” Milley wrote.
Well of course you don’t. No one likes being held accountable. But leaving 13 military members to die is not perceived, it is a documented fact and much more than a “slight.”
Trump called Milley’s actions treasonous, and it fits.
Milley should be punished through proper military channels, but here is Biden, once again overstepping his boundaries. This move sets a precedent that any president can ask the military to do anything and later pardon the leaders. It is the perfect way to set up a military state. If Milley cares about America at all, he should refuse this pardon.
Fauci’s pardon goes way back to January 2014 for, “Any offenses against the United States which he may have committed or taken part in.”
Thousands of people died from COVID on his watch, and he was behind using U.S. tax dollars to fund the lab in Wuhan, China where research was being conducted into bat coronaviruses.
“The lab was at the time collaborating with the Chinese military while it conducted high-risk ‘gain-of-function’ research into bat coronaviruses,” Federalist writer Tristan Justice reported in 2021. “In such research, scientists extract viruses from the wild and engineer them to infect humans to study potential therapeutics, including vaccines. This form of research is deemed so dangerous the U.S. government banned its funding between 2014 and 2017 to create guidelines within the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to provide further review of such grant proposals.”
Is that a crime? Based on the pardon, and your common sense, it looks like something that should not be ignored.