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Biden’s State Of The Union Will Feature Abortion, IVF Lies Designed To Hide Democrats’ Extremism

Joe Biden
Image CreditWhite House/Flickr

Biden plans to offer ultimate confirmation that Democrats’ abortion and IVF stance isn’t about caring for women or children.


President Joe Biden and his Democrat allies in Congress plan to use his 2024 State of the Union address to advance their abortion and assisted reproductive technology for all agenda by fearmongering about pro-life policies.

A White House memo published on Thursday warned that Biden’s Thursday night speech in the House chamber will be laced with lies designed to distract from Democrats’ extremism on life in the womb.

“President Joe Biden wants abortion rights to be a centerpiece of his rematch with Donald Trump this fall,” Politico confirmed in its SOTU preview on Thursday morning.

‘Abortion For All’

During his 2023 State of the Union, Biden tried to paint life-saving legislation in Republican states as “extreme” because it limits women’s ability to kill their unborn babies. He also mischaracterized congressional Republicans’ attempt to bring U.S. abortion law up to speed with other civilized countries by outlawing abortion beyond 15 weeks gestation as a “national abortion ban.”

Introducing an abortion limits bill that nearly 7 in 10 Americans agree with is not extreme. But what is extreme would be voting on sweeping legislation that goes far beyond “codifying Roe v. Wade,” as Biden promised during the 2022 midterms, to legalize unlimited, on-demand abortion through all nine months in all 50 states.

Yet, Biden plans to make the same claim, that “millions of Americans are living under extreme state abortion bans,” on Thursday night.

Part of his strategy is inviting Kate Cox, a Texas woman who left the state to abort her unborn baby who received a daunting medical diagnosis in the womb, to be the First Lady’s honored guest during the address.

Cox’s presence is supposed to give Biden the ammo he needs to spread lies about current and future pro-life states and policies. He’s likely going to claim that Republicans want red-state residents like Cox to endure “forced pregnancy,” a manipulative and inaccurate term.

Every pro-life law on the books permits medical professionals to treat ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, or any other potentially fatal complications. Even after the Supreme Court’s Dobbs v. Jackson ruling, which Democrats often blame as a catalyst for pro-life policies, 48 of the 50 states maintain clear exceptions for induced abortion if a mother’s life is in serious jeopardy. At least 15 of those states also have exceptions for abortions in the case of rape, incest, or if the baby in the womb has been diagnosed with a condition that will likely prove deadly.

Yet, Biden will use Cox’s story to scare voters into believing they will be tossed aside if they have any pregnancy complications. He will claim that, even though 96 percent of abortions end the life of a healthy unborn baby for an elective, not medically necessary, reason, pro-life laws are “putting women’s health and lives at risk and threatening doctors with jail time, including life in prison, for providing the health care they have been trained to provide.”

Cox decided to selectively abort her unborn baby, who received a Trisomy 18 diagnosis, a sometimes fatal genetic condition that leads to an array of mental and physical complications, in 2023. She argued that carrying a child who might not live past birth put her at risk of “infection” and “uterine rupture” that could impair or prevent future pregnancies.

Texas law permits abortions to save the mother’s life or to prevent “substantial impairment of major bodily function.” When Cox’s doctors refused to grant her request to abort, they effectively confirmed that carrying a baby girl to term, even if she would not survive, did not put Cox’s life in imminent danger.

Cox partnered with abortion advocacy group Center For Reproductive Rights to challenge Texas’ pro-life law, which bans abortion beyond six weeks gestation. The Texas Supreme Court quickly ruled Cox did not qualify for an abortion under the Lone Star State code. By then, Cox had already traveled across state lines to find someone who would end her unborn child’s life without scrutiny.

[Read: Biden’s SOTU Guest Kate Cox Is A Reminder That Even Imperfect Babies Are Worth Carrying To Term]

ART For All, Too

Biden won’t stop his blame game with abortion. After touting “abortion for all,” Biden also plans to lament the Alabama Supreme Court, which recently determined embryos qualify under the state’s Wrongful Death of a Minor Act, as the culprit for an industry-wide halt on in vitro fertilization in the Cotton State.

“Republicans’ extreme out-of-touch agenda has put access to fertility treatments at risk for families who are desperately trying to get pregnant,” the White House wrote.

Contrary to the White House’s claims, the Alabama court’s controversial ruling never addressed how Big Fertility in the state should approach ART or embryo creation. In reality, fertility facilities chose to pause their IVF operations after independently determining that serially creating and discarding unlimited embryos might put them on the legal hook for negligence.

Yet, Biden will use Jill Biden’s State of the Union guest Latorya Beasley, a woman whose embryo transfer was canceled by their Alabama provider, as justification to eviscerate pro-life decisions that “disrupted access to reproductive health care for women and families across the country.”

He will invoke Democrats’ radical ART legislation, which was blocked last week by Republican Sen. Cindy-Hyde Smith, in an attempt to shift more ire to state and national Republicans’ pro-life policies, even if they have nothing to do with IVF.

By inexplicably linking the abortion fight to the recent controversy over ART, Biden is doing pro-life Republicans, if they choose to grasp it, a favor. He’s not only exposing the hypocrisy of Democrats’ extremism on unborn babies, but he’s offering ultimate confirmation that this fight isn’t about caring for women or children. It’s about allowing the murder or creation of children at whatever whim and cost.

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