President Joe Biden’s administration has slowly but steadily been creeping towards an escalation of United States involvement in the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Now, despite personal promises from Biden suggesting otherwise, U.S. officials say they are considering sending special operations forces into the Eastern European country to guard the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv.
In addition to deploying dozens of special forces troops, officials are evaluating also sending a Marine security guard detachment to the affected area.
The Wall Street Journal reported that discussions of U.S. military involvement in Ukraine are still preliminary and have yet to reach the president’s desk, but they are being framed as a likely possibility if officials believe the embassy is severely threatened as Kyiv takes Russian fire.
Biden has repeatedly pledged not to send any U.S. troops to Ukraine after polling suggested that most Americans are against it.
“We will not fight the third world war in Ukraine,” Biden declared in March.
Biden reaffirmed this commitment in official remarks to Congress in April.
“We said we’d not send U.S. troops to fight Russian troops in Ukraine, but we would provide robust military assistance and try to unify the Western world against Russia’s aggression,” Biden said.
Despite pledging not to send troops to fight Russians on Ukrainian soil, Biden and his administration have exacerbated the overseas conflict and furthered our nation’s role in it. He already sent hundreds of U.S. soldiers to NATO countries with hopes of getting as close to the ongoing war in Ukraine as possible.
Congress has yet to vote to officially authorize acts of war against Russia, but that hasn’t stopped some of the most high-ranking officials in the U.S. such as Biden, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, sitting members of Congress, intelligence agencies, and even American institutions such as the corporate media, from promoting a clash in Eastern Europe.
For months, the Biden administration has steadily increased its aggression toward Russia and Vladimir Putin. What started as a call to fund and defend a nation against an invasion from a dangerous dictator quickly morphed into a quest to undermine the Russian regime by whatever means necessary, with many suggesting a no-fly zone that would require NATO warplanes to shoot down Russian aircraft and practically amount to a declaration of war.
Biden, with the help of Congress, even signed a bill to send over $40 billion in taxpayer dollars to Ukraine. In his words, it will “allow us to send even more weapons and ammunition to Ukraine, replenish our own stockpile, and support U.S. troops stationed on NATO territory.”

While it’s still unclear whether Biden will follow his handlers’ lead and send troops to Ukraine, his verbal vow to keep the U.S. involved in Ukraine increases those chances greatly. And with encouragement from prime escalators in Congress and the corporate media, Biden could face massive peer pressure to show a presence in Ukraine under the guise of defending the American embassy.