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USAID Granted Millions In Taxpayer Dollars To Fund Overseas Abortions Under The Guise Of Covid Relief

baby holding adult finger
Image CreditPixabay/Pexels

The United States Agency for International Development funneled millions of dollars to international pro-abortion organizations under the guise of Covid-19 relief funds, new grant documents obtained by Revolver show.

In July of 2020, USAID signed off on a grant titled “Responding to COVID-19 in Hotspot Areas of Ethiopia,” which fed $500,000 to Pathfinder International for pro-baby-killing propaganda and procedures disguised as Covid-related care. Other similar organizations such as The Population Council, IntraHealth International, and JSI also received hundreds of thousands of dollars in ambiguous grants that funded overseas abortions.

Pathfinder, which was founded by a eugenicist, is dedicated to globally spreading the left’s abortion agenda. The organization openly partners with Planned Parenthood and regularly demands funds from the federal government to pay for abortion and birth control overseas with Americans’ tax dollars.

During the pandemic, Pathfinder claimed killing babies in the womb was an “essential” “right” and necessary for the health of Ethiopians.

“Experience and evidence from previous outbreaks and other humanitarian emergencies indicate that sexual and reproductive health services — including pregnancy care, contraceptives, sexual assault services, child health services and post abortion care — are likely to be scaled back,” the grant request states. “This can result in an increased risk of maternal mortality, unintended pregnancies, and other adverse sexual and reproductive health outcomes among women and girls.”

Not only did Pathfinder deploy hundreds of health care workers to Ethiopia to promote birth control and killing unborn babies at U.S. taxpayers’ expense, but the organization’s “Transform” program carried its population-control messages throughout the African country via “mobile vans and audio-mounted vehicles to broadcast propaganda messages about birth control and COVID-19 in public spaces like mosques, TV stations and radio spots.”

As noted by Revolver, these types of covert campaigns, which are funded and approved by the U.S. government, are not unusual and have significantly grown since the beginning of Covid-19.

“By the end of 2020, USAID had pledged over $1.3 billion in global COVID-Relief programs alone, a number that has skyrocketed to over $9 billion with the Biden regime’s expanded use of USAID,” the article stated.