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Biden’s Approval Sinks Further As Russia-Ukraine Crisis Heightens


New polling indicates that only 39 percent of Americans approve of President Joe Biden’s job as president as the Russia-Ukraine crisis heightens.

According to a new NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll, 56 percent of Americans think Biden’s first year in office was a failure. Among those unimpressed with the president’s track record of rising gas prices, a botched withdrawal from Afghanistan, and a growing crisis on the Southern border, are 66 percent of independents who will likely take their frustrations out at the polls in the upcoming 2022 midterms. Even 15 percent of Democrats admit that Biden’s tenure in the White House thus far has been a failure.

While nearly 40 percent of Americans think inflation should be Biden’s top priority, only 36 percent of them still support how the president is handling the country’s financial circumstances which are plagued with record-high inflation.

As Biden’s popularity drops, American support for U.S. intervention in the Russia-Ukraine conflict also remains low. Only about 10 percent of respondents said foreign policy should be Biden’s top priority right now. Most Americans are more concerned with what’s going on in the homeland and don’t want the president’s attention focused overseas.

An Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research poll this week found most Americans oppose U.S. officials taking a major role in the ongoing Russia-Ukraine crisis. At least 20 percent of Americans say the U.S. should have no role in the crisis at all even as it unfurls.

Overall, just 43 percent of Americans approve of Biden’s negotiations with Russia since he took office. That’s down 6 percentage points from June of last year.

Despite the lack of support from the American public, the White House continues to dwell on the conflict in Eastern Europe, distracting voters from the crises he’s created and exacerbated at home.