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Sinema Harassed By Same Lefty Network That Cornered Jeff Flake About Kavanaugh

Kyrsten Sinema
Image CreditYouTube/Photo

Arizona Democrat Sen. Kyrsten Sinema was harassed last weekend by a leftist group that is funded by the same organization that cornered then-Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake over Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearings.


Arizona Democrat Sen. Kyrsten Sinema was harassed last weekend by a leftist group that is funded by the same organization that cornered then-Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake over Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearings.

In 2018, two women cornered Flake, a Republican, in a U.S. Capitol elevator and spent minutes demanding that he vote against confirming now-Justice Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court.

The Center for Popular Democracy, a group that champions “equity,” partnerships with “progressive unions,” and racial justice, proudly claimed the confrontation in an email to donors.

“Last week, you saw protestors interrupting the Kavanaugh hearings, trying to slow it down and show the Judiciary Committee how much they/we care. Those protests were organized by the Women’s March and the Center for Popular Democracy and other groups,” an email from the organization stated.

The Arizona Republican still voted in favor of advancing Kavanaugh’s confirmation but after being intimidated by the protesters, called a delay on the Senate Judiciary Committee’s vote and asked the FBI to conduct a probe into the sexual allegations against Kavanaugh as a condition of his support.

Living United for Change in Arizona, the group that harassed and filmed Sinema in an Arizona State University bathroom while they demanded that she vote for President Joe Biden’s “Build Back Better Plan” and amnesty for illegal aliens, is one of CPD’s close partners. According to Ballotpedia, Living United “was an Arizona partner organization of the Center for Popular Democracy, a national 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that was formed to support state and local progressive movements.” 

CPD not only works closely with Living United due to their similar progressive and pro-illegal immigration agendas, but it also uses donations from multiple leftist organizations to fund its partner organization’s efforts. In 2019, CPD gifted Living United at least $332,400 for “base building” and “states power building.” One year earlier, Living United received at least $202,000 for “paid sick days” and “minimum wage.” CPD’s 501(c)(4), the Center for Popular Democracy Action Fund also gave $984,806 to Living United in 2016 for “paid sick leave” and “minimum wage.”

Left-wing billionaire George Soros also gave at least $1.5 million to Living United for Change in Arizona in 2019 and at least $250,000 in 2017 to become the group’s largest donor.

Similar to the CPD’s bragging about harassing Flake, Living United for Change in Arizona posted videos of its target campaign against Sinema on its social media and amplified the calls of “immigrant youth.”

Sinema condemned the confrontation as “unacceptable” and “wholly inappropriate.”

“Yesterday’s behavior was not a legitimate protest. It is unacceptable for activist organizations to instruct their members to jeopardize themselves by engaging in unlawful activities such as gaining entry to closed university buildings, disrupting learning environments, and filming students in a restroom,” Sinema said in a statement on Monday.

Biden appeared unfazed by the violation of Sinema’s privacy in the restroom, said it “happens to everybody,” and hasn’t commented on any of the other demonstrators who continue to target Sinema over passing the reconciliation bill and giving illegal aliens a “pathway to citizenship.”