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Biden Parades Tax Hikes After Dodging Paying His ‘Fair Share’ For Years

Biden’s proposed tax hike comes after reports revealed he skirted paying the federal government by using the same mechanisms he’s pledging to crack down on.


President Joe Biden is parading tax hikes on Americans after dodging paying his own ‘fair share’ in government dues for years.

Just last week, the president demanded wealthy American taxpayers “step up and pay” their “fair share” in taxes. The urgings from “Middle Class Joe” come as Democrats scramble to pass a $3.5 trillion spending bill and greenlight a proposal that would force U.S. banks to report any taxpayers’ transactions of $600 or more to the Internal Revenue Service.

For days, the White House and congressional Democrats have promoted the massive spending legislation as a “zero dollar” bill thanks to forced funding from taxpayers.

“My Build Back Better Agenda costs zero dollars. Instead of wasting money on tax breaks, loopholes, and tax evasion for big corporations and the wealthy, we can make a once-in-a-generation investment in working America. And it adds zero dollars to the national debt,” Biden tweeted last week.

The Biden administration’s eagerness to move forward with the enormous tax hikes, however, comes just months after reports revealed Biden skirted paying the federal government by using the same mechanisms he’s pledging to crack down on.

When the White House released Biden’s tax returns in May, the documents showed that the millionaire president and First Lady Jill Biden dodged paying more than half a million in taxes using a Medicare and Obamacare loophole.

“While the Bidens avoided $394,547 in Medicare taxes over the past four years, the Urban Institute calculated that the average couple who retired last year would have paid a total of $161,000 in Medicare taxes over their entire working lives,” Christopher Jacobs wrote for The Federalist in May.

Biden’s plan to hike taxes also comes shortly after reports indicated that the Biden family engaged in shady business dealings using Hunter Biden’s foreign business connections. Not only did the president appear to use his influence as then-vice president to transport his son overseas for business, but analysis from Hunter’s damning laptop appears to implicate Biden as “the Big Guy” in the family’s “pay-to-play scandal under which the elder Biden reportedly received a 10 percent cut.”

Hunter is currently under federal investigation for potential tax crimes. Reports indicate that U.S. Department of Justice officials deliberately delayed the investigation into his alleged violations and sketchy overseas business dealings because of the effect it could have on the presidential election.