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New Survey Finds Modern American Workers Want Unions To Stop Playing Politics

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A new survey from The American Compass found that labor unions were viewed more positively by upper and middle-class Democrats than by working class people.


Oren Cass, executive director of The American Compass, joins Culture Emily Jashinsky on this episode of The Federalist Radio Hour to discuss where the American labor movement went wrong and what a modern labor movement – one that actually serves workers better – would look like.

Cass dives into the findings of a recent American Compass survey of 3,000 working adults and how they feel about unions, political messages, and woke employers.

“The labor movement isn’t really for workers anymore,” Cass said, pointing to their findings that labor unions were viewed more positively by upper and middle-class Democrats than by working class people.

Jashinsky and Cass also discuss how the “gig economy” has disrupted communities across the country.

“When we start to convert all of life into a market and say ‘it would be more efficient and cheaper for workers to be on call and on demand’ … we also have to notice all the things that the market is not going to pay attention to like relationships and parenting … you can’t be a little league coach if you don’t know what your hours are.”

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