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Hemingway: Past Time For SCOTUS To Allow States To Protect Human Life

Mollie Hemingway

Federalist Senior Editor Mollie Hemingway said the Supreme Court’s decision to allow the Texas Legislature to protect human life is long overdue.


Federalist Senior Editor Mollie Hemingway said the Supreme Court’s decision to allow the Texas Legislature to protect human life is long overdue on Fox News’ “Special Report” Wednesday.

“The Supreme Court has a history of having had bad decisions,” Hemingway said, but their inaction on the Texas legislation is an “opportunity” for the court to allow states to once again “set appropriate limits and protect these unborn children and their mothers.”

Indeed, a Texas law protecting children with detectable heartbeats from being aborted went into effect on Wednesday after the U.S. Supreme Court refused to act on an emergency petition brought by abortion facilities and activists to block the legislation. The court’s inaction means private citizens in Texas can now sue abortionists who kill children after six weeks of pregnancy.

It is “important that [the Texas law was] allowed to stand,” Hemingway said, because “Roe v. Wade took away from [states] the right to determine their own view on abortion.”

Roe v. Wade is just one of the noteworthy bad decisions that takes an entire class of humans and dehumanizes them,” she said. “And so, it is incumbent upon the court to correct [their] mistakes, like they did after the Dred Scott decision or Korematsu.”

Hemingway added that the high court has another “excellent opportunity” to correct their past mistakes by hearing Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health, a case scheduled for argument before the Supreme Court during the October 2021-2022 term.

Dobbs will reevaluate “whether all pre-viability prohibitions on elective abortions are unconstitutional,” potentially changing how landmark abortion cases such as Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey affect Americans.

“We have a radical abortion regime,” Hemingway said. “It is violent oppression of women and their children. It is predatory, and it’s just not what humans should do to each other.”

The Texas legislation is an “opportunity,” explained Hemingway, for power to “come back to the states,” allowing “people to set appropriate limits and protect these unborn children and their mothers.”