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Mollie Hemingway Wins 2021 Bradley Prize

Mollie Hemingway
Image CreditAP/Wikipedia Commons

Federalist Senior Editor Mollie Hemingway was selected Tuesday by the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation as a 2021 Bradley Prize winner.


Federalist Senior Editor Mollie Hemingway was selected Tuesday by the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation as a 2021 Bradley Prize winner. The honor is bestowed annually to three individuals whose achievements reflect the group’s goal to “restore, strengthen, and protect the principles and institutions of American exceptionalism.”

“Mollie is a ‘must-read’ journalist for her sharp analysis, comprehensive research, and insightful reporting,” said Rick Graber, president and CEO of the Bradley Foundation. “She has a keen understanding for how current events impact our freedoms, which she thoughtfully weaves into her writing. The Bradley Foundation is proud to honor Mollie with a Bradley Prize for her significant contributions to the dialogue on the hallmark issues of our time.”

Award winners from different fields were selected after reviewing 100 nominations. Recent past winners of the award include Judge Janice Rogers Brown, journalist Roger Kimball, Jason L. Riley of the Manhattan Institute, Charles R. Kesler of the Claremont Institute, and other leaders. The honor comes with a $250,000 stipend.

“This is a phenomenal and much-deserved award for Mollie Hemingway, who has become a must-read journalist and political analyst,” said Federalist Publisher Ben Domenech. “Her insight, perception, and depth of knowledge have proven unmatched in recent years. She has developed a unique ability to identify false narratives, anticipate where they are headed, and deploy a dogged work ethic to chase down the truth. The entire Federalist team is proud of her, and we are grateful to the Bradley Foundation for recognizing her with this great honor.”

Hemingway, co-author with lawyer Carrie Severino of the 2019 bestselling book “Justice on Trial: The Kavanaugh Confirmation and the Future of the Supreme Court,” is set to release her new book “Rigged: How the Media, Big Tech, and the Democrats Seized our Elections” on Oct. 12.

“I’m thrilled and honored to be selected by the Bradley Foundation and to be in such august company,” Hemingway said. “Because it can be very difficult to stand up against an entire media establishment committed to peddling false narratives, the courage of the Bradley Foundation is commendable. In a time of censorship, suppression of political speech, and deplatforming of political dissidents, Bradley’s support of journalism, academia, and America’s founding is essential.”