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Mark Levin’s ‘American Marxism’ Challenges Conservatives To Play Offense

Filled with history, philosophy, and meticulous analysis, “American Marxism” is Levin’s most important book to date.


Two years following the publication of his New York Times bestseller “Unfreedom of the Press,” author and conservative talk radio host Mark Levin has returned to bookstores across the country with the release of his latest book, “American Marxism.”

Characterized by his historical and constitutional expertise, Levin provides readers with an in-depth analysis of how the fundamental aspects of Marxist ideology have infiltrated and corrupted American society and culture. By revisiting the past to explain the present, Levin successfully exposes both the fallacies and dangers of of this failed ideology, while charting several courses of action for Americans to take in order to reclaim their country.

At the book’s outset, Levin wastes no time in quickly and effectively defining the major threat the country faces. Not simply have many American institutions thrown in with the Democrat Party, but rather they have fully embraced and continue to promote the very elements of Marxism that seek to destabilize our constitutional republic.

“The counterrevolution to the American Revolution is in full force,” he writes. “And it can no longer be dismissed or ignored, for it is devouring our society and culture, swirling around our everyday lives, and ubiquitous in our politics, schools, media, and entertainment. Once a mostly unrelatable, fringe, and subterranean movement, it is here — and it is everywhere.”

In order to fully comprehend how this counterrevolution has taken hold of American society, Levin takes readers on a journey through the writings of Marxism’s biggest advocates and analyzes how the collectivist ideology has steadily evolved through the years. As noted by Levin, one of the most notable designs implicating our culture today is what’s known as critical theory.

First propagated by Hegelian-Marxist Herbert Marcuse, critical theory attempts to rationalize resistance to Marxist ideology as a form of intolerance among the civil society in order to disrupt existing power structures. According to Levin, “tolerance is actually a ploy instituted by the powerful and conniving of the bourgeoisie against the unsuspecting proletariat, in which the masses are duped and programmed to support their oppressors. In short, tolerance is used to oppress the people.”

Levin’s analysis of critical theory’s early origins provide a strong basis for his later exploration of the ideology’s offshoots, such as critical race theory (CRT) and Latina/o Critical Race Theory (LatCrit) that seek to utilize race as a mechanism to tear down the American system. By establishing the connection of critical theory to the current dilemma of CRT’s pervasiveness in American education, Levin is able to thoroughly explain how the failed ideas of the past continue to find ways to implant themselves in the existing society.

Levin’s most significant ideals, however, come in the book’s final chapter. Titled, “We Choose Liberty,” Levin encourages Americans to get off the sidelines and become active in the defense of liberty, while also outlining ways to fight the existing culture war.

“I am often asked on radio, what are ‘we’ going to do about recovering our country,” he writes. “Too often, what is meant is – what is someone else going to do to save America. That mindset is simply unacceptable. If we are to rally to the defense of our own liberty and unalienable rights, then each of us, in our own roles and ways, must become personally and directly involved as citizen activists, in our own fate and the fate of our country.”

One of the suggestions Levin elaborates on is the boycott, divestment, and sanctioning by American patriots of organizations, corporations, donors, etc. that are funding or supporting Marxist movements in the country. Furthermore, he also advocates for the creation of “community committees” that aim to influence policy decisions by local school boards. Unlike other mainstream conservative figures who consistently play defense, Levin’s promotion of local activism represents a long-awaited strategy shift among Constitution-loving Americans in the existing culture war.

“American Marxism” provides readers with the most comprehensive investigation into the ideological struggles we face as a nation. Filled with history, philosophy, and meticulous analysis, the book represents Levin’s most important book to date.