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Hunter Biden Played Pivotal Role In Deal With Democratic Strategists Under Federal Investigation

Hunter Biden reportedly played a key role in a deal between the Democrat consulting firm Blue Star Strategies and the Ukrainian energy company Burisma.


President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, reportedly played a pivotal role in securing a deal between the Democrat consulting firm Blue Star Strategies and the Ukrainian energy company Burisma.

In 2015, Burisma — where Hunter Biden raked in upwards of $50,000 per month in excess compensation despite no prior energy experience — hired Blue Star Strategies in a deal which Hunter Biden served as the primary conduit, according to the Washington Free Beacon Wednesday.

Citing emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop, the Free Beacon reported Hunter Biden wrote to Burisma executive Vadym Pozharski in 2015 encouraging Pozharski to hire Blue Star in effort to court U.S. suport for the Ukrainian company’s owner, Mykola Zlochevsky. At the time, Zlochevsky was under investigation by the United Kingdom for paying alleged bribes to secure drilling contracts.

Last fall, Senate investigators also accused Zlochevsky of paying a $7 million dollar bribe to the Ukrainian prosecutor general’s office to close other investigations in Ukraine and release $23 million in assets frozen by British officials.

“You should go ahead and sign,” Hunter Biden wrote to Pozharski of the Blue Star contract. “Looking forward to getting started on this.”

Blue Star Strategies is owned by former Clinton Administration officials Sally Painter and Karen Tramontano.

According to the Free Beacon, the “ultimate purpose” of the partnership was to shut down cases against Zlochevsky.

“Neither Biden nor the Blue Star founders registered their work under the Lobbying Disclosure Act or the Foreign Agents Registration Act,” the Free Beacon reported.

The arrangement, meanwhile, is under investigation by federal prosecutors in Delaware as part of a probe reported by Politico into Biden’s taxes and whether Blue Star violated foreign agent laws.

Another trove of emails published by the New York Post in May also shed light on Biden’s conflicts of interest surrounding his potentially criminal overseas business ventures while his father served as the Obama White House’s “public face” on Ukraine.

Emails show then-Vice President Joe Biden met with several of Hunter Biden’s business partners at an exclusive Georgetown restaurant in 2015, as opposed to merely Pozharski as revealed in October.

Recent revelations surrounding Hunter Biden’s business dealings have also been plagued by personal scandal.

According to an audiotape published by the Daily Mail, Hunter Biden is heard bragging to a friend about smoking crack with former Washington D.C. Mayor Marion Barry, an infamous addict who once served six months in federal prison after a 1990 FBI sting operation. In the recording, Hunter Biden said the two smoked crack in the bathroom of a local bar while Hunter was a junior at Georgetown University, contradicting his own memoir where he wrote that a teenage arrest scared him from drugs until after college.

New text messages also published by the Daily Mail this week accuse Hunter Biden of repeatedly calling his white attorney the N-word in 2018 and 2019.