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Demi Lovato, Elite Media, And The Sad Consequences Of Post-Modern Gender Ideology

The media treatment of Demi Lovato’s sudden pronoun change is just one example of how post-modern gender ideology is shaping the culture.


On this episode of The Federalist Radio Hour, Assistant Editor Kylee Zempel joins Culture Editor Emily Jashinsky to break down Demi Lovato’s sudden pronoun change and how the media’s treatment of post-modern gender ideology affects the whole country.

“What’s interesting about Demi Lovato is that even if this is not somebody that your daughter is idolizing when Hollywood elites do this type of thing, they’re really shining a spotlight on things that are happening at greater rates behind the scenes,” Zempel said.

“Anything that Demi Lovato is coming out and saying that the media is adopting wholesale, you can bet that there are hundreds of TikTok videos, Instagram reels, things that are representing the exact same ideology that even if your daughter’s not following Demi Lovato, chances are she’s getting this exact same messaging from all of her channels of engagement,” Zempel said.

The media’s treatment of Lovato isn’t the only problem that this situation presents. Like Lovato American teenagers are “changing their gender” to win the approval of others.

“Demi Lovato’s entire life is trying to find herself and trying to please other people and you’re never going to find that in yourself,” Zempel said. “The reason why there’s such an uptick in trans youth is that there’s a void inherent in every human being and you’re not going to find it in switching your gender. That’s a huge problem that we’re looking in all the wrong places for answers to self-identity … we’ve discarded religion, we’ve discarded actual, true spirituality and morality in a lot of ways.”

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