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Kentucky’s Berea College Event Says ‘Trumpism’ Is ‘Terrorism At Its Core’

Barea college
Image CreditBerea College/YouTube

Across the country, purported educational institutions are indoctrinating students with the idea that all white people are racist, implicitly or otherwise. An event at Berea College goes even further to say that supporting Donald Trump is “terrorism” to the “core.”

As reported by The New Guard, Berea College in Kentucky is hosting an event called “White Citizenship as Terrorism: Make America Great Again, Again,” on March 17. The event is being co-sponsored by the college’s Women’s and Gender Non-Conforming Center and the Law, Ethics, and Society group.

Amy L. Brandzel, an assistant professor of women studies at the University of New Mexico, and the author of  “Against Citizenship: The Violence of the Normative,” will give a keynote speech on the topic. Brandzel proposes in her divisive book that “citizenship is a violent dehumanizing mechanism that makes the comparative devaluing of human lives see,” and that, “citizenship requires anti-intersectionality, that is, strategies that deny the mutuality and contingency of race, class, gender, sexuality and nation…”

Although being white is not a prerequisite to “citizenship” in the United States, nor should it be, Brandzel is claiming that even being a citizen, and being white, leads to committing violence.

Young America’s Foundation obtained a copy of the flyer for the talk. It states in part:

Trump’s ‘Make America Great Again’ appears to follow suit by offering a seemingly benign promise to return to America to a previously ‘great’ past. But the offer to ‘Make America Great Again, Again’ requires we refocus on how the last four years of daily tweets and administrative actions redefine whiteness. If terrorism is redefined as the use of violence and threats to create a state of fear toward particular communities and identities, then this is what ‘Trumpism’ is at its core.

While the language stereotyping all white people and Trump supporters as terrorists is certainly shocking, what is less shocking is that Berea College would permit such an event to occur. The school’s website explicitly states that it “stands in solidarity” with the Marxist organization Black Lives Matter, and claims BLM activists were “peacefully demonstrating” against police brutality after the death of George Floyd. Billions in property damage would indicate otherwise.

“Berea College stands in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement and those peacefully demonstrating against police brutality across the country and around the world,” it states. “As the first interracial and coeducational college in the slaveholding South in 1855, this moment calls for our support. Our history and our commitments demand it.”

In an article written in June, Berea College President Dr. Lyle Roelofs equated the fight for freedom and equal opportunity of the 1960s civil rights movement with the BLM movement, which seeks wealth redistribution according to race and, as mentioned, inflicted billions of dollars in property damage in this summer’s riots. BLM founder Alicia Garza has called for people to “kill these men and white folks,” among a slew of other racist statements.

Roelofs’ article also calls for racial quotas and affirmative action, outlined in seven bullet points. The piece calls for an “equitable educational community.”

Berea College is guided by eight Great Commitments, among them one that asserts the kinship of all people. Standing in solidarity with Black Lives Matter, the College strives to uphold its commitment to creating an equitable educational community that welcomes, supports and values all members. We invite institutions of higher learning throughout the Commonwealth of Kentucky and the South to join us in our support of the Black Lives Matter movement.

The Women’s and Gender Non-Conforming Center  which is co-sponsoring the “terrorism” event, describes its mission in part to “encourage students to think about sex and gender intersectionality, and about what it might take to dismantle what bell hooks calls ‘imperialist white supremacist capitalist patriarchy.'”

The March newsletter put out by the affiliated Women’s and Gender Studies department claims that “white supremacy motivated the January 6th attacks at the U.S. Capitol.” Since the department evidently does not follow the facts, it would only make sense that it would not follow science as well. The school provides complementarity “pronoun pins” for students to identify their gender to others—as if one cannot know such a thing by simply looking.

The Federalist contacted Berea College and was provided the following statement by spokeswoman Abbie Darst on its March 17 event.

This planned event by the Women’s and Gender Non-Conforming Center at Berea College has attracted a great deal of attention on social media, and resulted in several emails from concerned persons. To some, the provocative title of the event implies that Berea is not a welcoming place for individuals with differing political views. That is not true. At Berea, we strive to live out our motto: God has made of one blood all peoples of the earth. Berea accepts students off all faiths (or none at all), religious beliefs, ethnicities and political leanings, creating a diverse environment that encourages acceptance, respect and even appreciation across our differences.

We encourage open dialog on difficult topics. Racism and white nationalism have been topics of great debate over the past five years. The event planned for next week seeks to confront aspects of the political spectrum that relate to the difficult topic of race in America. While that may cause discomfort, it is a valid and important conversation in this time of political and racial division. It is our hope that these types of conversations will occur across the country. Open, honest dialogue is essential to understanding racism and moving toward an anti-racist society.

It’s wildly contradictory that a university can say it “accepts students of all…political leanings” while hosting an event charging half the country with being terrorists because of their political leanings, as well as putting forth that because of someone’s skin color they are inherently racist.

Roelofs did not immediately respond to a request for comment by The Federalist, nor did keynote speaker Brandzel.