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Will Corporate America Keep Bankrolling Maxine Waters And Her Vile Rhetoric?

Maxine Waters
Image CreditAP/YouTube

As corporations threaten to pull contributions from the 147 Republicans who voted not to certify the results of the presidential election, they ignore Democrats such as Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., who has made a career calling for violence and undermining the law.

Corporate hypocrisy continues, with PACS choosing to hold the GOP accountable for what transpired at the Capitol. If these organizations determine that Republican members of Congress who broke no laws ought to be stripped of funding, fine. It’s time to throw the book back at the suits and examine why they still willfully fund someone like Waters.

Throughout Waters’ career, she has received hundreds of thousands from PACS. These are the top donors, according to Open Secrets.

In the 2020 election cycle, Waters notably received $10,000 each from Boeing, Deloitte, and Charles Schwab. The Federalist previously reported on Deloitte’s position after the Capitol breach that it would not donate to “those who work to undermine the law.” Boeing announced it would “evaluate future contributions to ensure that we support those who not only support our company, but also uphold our country’s most fundamental principles.” Given this sentiment from Boeing in particular, why has it continued to fund politicians like Maxine Waters who encourage violence and engage in inflammatory rhetoric? Where have all these virtue-signaling companies been throughout her career of undermining the law?

The L.A. Riots

Waters publicly endorsed violence way back in May 1992. While the city of Los Angeles burned because of rioting and looting, with 60 deaths, 2,383 injuries, and $1 billion in property damages, Waters said a “riot is the voice of the unheard.” She told the Huffington Post 25 years later that the events were a “defining moment in the way black people resisted.”

Even when the city of Los Angeles instituted a curfew because of fears that violence would break out, Waters opposed it. Koreatown, a poverty-stricken area, incurred much of the damage, with 2,000 Korean-managed businesses damaged or destroyed.

When Mayor Tom Bradley described the horrible events as a riot and those who participated as “criminals” and “gangsters,” Waters took issue and asserted it was an “insurrection,” along with her ally Jesse Jackson, who perversely blamed it on George W. Bush.

“The descent into anarchy seemed to puzzle Rep. Maxine Waters, a Jackson ally whose congressional district was ravaged,” wrote Rowland Evans and Robert Novak in 1992. “Her first response to the riot was to join Jackson in lobbying the Justice Department to file civil rights charges against the four policemen. Not only is this unlikely to succeed, but Los Angeles District Attorney Ira Reiner says in the long run it would not truly restore civility and understanding here.”

Directive to Harass Trump Administration if Seen in Public

“Let’s make sure we show up wherever we have to show up. And if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out, and you create a crowd,” Waters told an audience in 2018. “And you push back on them. And you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.”

The House member’s encouragement of protesters to embrace violence against Republicans was in response to President Trump’s “zero tolerance” policy, a practice that followed the Obama administration’s construction of cages at the border.

“Mr. President, we will see you every day, every hour of the day, everywhere that we are to let you know you cannot get away with this,” added Waters, who received very little pushback from Democratic media or her congressional peers, as she essentially egged on leftists to craft a strategy to commit violence against those on the other side of the political aisle.

“How polite do we have to be to people who are putting babies in cages? I would say that we don’t have to be polite to those folks,” said MSNBC commentator Zerlina Maxwell, trying to justify Waters’ calls for aggression. “I would say that polite discourse is inappropriate when there are babies in cages.”

Threats to Trump Supporters

In September 2018, Waters proudly told attendees at a Young Democrats event that she threatens Trump supporters “all the time,” in relation to her comments to protesters about harassing Trump Cabinet members when they see them in public.

“I did not threaten [Trump] constituents and supporters. I do that all the time, but I didn’t do that that time,” she said.

Call for Charges of ‘Premeditated Murder’

On MSNBC in early February, Waters told Joy Reid that Donald Trump should “absolutely be charged with premeditated murder” in relation to the riot that started 20 minutes before he even began speaking. In typical fashion, the representative disbanded any semblance of due process — to a radical extent — and jumped to a conclusion that is entirely unsensible and ridiculous.

Insisting Trump called for violence on Jan. 6, Waters suggested, “We have to fight as hard as we can to see to it that there’s some justice.”

As Trump’s legal team noted during the Senate impeachment trial, the term “fight” is sometimes used to take the place of “work” when trying to accomplish something. Given our prior knowledge of Waters’ egging on of violence, however, and the fact that Democrats say “fight” means violence, how could we know what she is referring to?

Civil War Accusation

In January, Waters said Donald Trump is “capable of starting a civil war” in a floor speech to the House of Representatives about impeachment.

“This president intends to exercise power long after he is out of office,” Waters said. “We should be concerned that the Republicans will not defend him and he is capable of starting a civil war. He must be impeached. He must be stopped now.”

‘I Will Go Out and Take Trump Out Tonight’

Speaking at the Ali Forney Center gala in New York City in 2017, Waters told a crowd she would “go out and take Trump out tonight.”

“What an inspiring evening this is. I am sitting here listening, watching, absorbing, thinking about Ali even though I never met him and with this kind of inspiration I will go and take Trump out tonight,” she said in full.

Speaking to CNN’s Chris Cuomo, Waters completely denied her pretty transparent comments at the event and their implication. Instead, she shifted to discuss her upcoming election and how there is a ploy to get her out of office. It’s all “to discredit me,” she said.

Considering Waters’ long record of calls for violence and inflammatory rhetoric, will her top donors threaten to pull their funding?