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Ben Domenech: Anderson Cooper Is A ‘Pompous Ass’ For Dissing Olive Garden

Anderson Cooper
Image CreditGrabien screengrab

‘And they’re going to go back to the Olive Garden… and they’re going to have some drinks and talk about the great day they had,’ Cooper said.


Federalist Publisher Ben Domenech called CNN’s Anderson Cooper a “pompous ass,” Thursday after the prime time anchor proved demonstrators’ point about elite distain.

“Look at them, they’re high-fiving each other for this deplorable display of completely unpatriotic, completely against law and order, completely unconstitutional behavior, it’s stunning,” Cooper said as CNN rolled footage of the anarchic demonstrators Wednesday afternoon. “And they’re going to go back to the Olive Garden… and they’re going to have some drinks and talk about the great day they had.”

Domenech said Cooper’s invocation of Olive Garden “defines why these people feel hated.”

“First off, I have to say on behalf of the late, great Bre Payton, Olive Garden is actually pretty good and their salad dressing is excellent,” Domenech said. “He is just a pompous ass.”