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George Soros Attempts To Unseat L.A. County’s First Black Female DA

‘George Gascon will attract Soros PAC money by promising not to enforce the laws that voters enacted,’ warned a local prosecutors group. Turns out they’re right.


Billionaire and Democrat mega-donor Geroge Soros recently gave $1.5 million to George Gascon’s campaign for Los Angeles district attorney. Gascon is a Black Lives Matter-endorsed prosecutor who has promises to lock up fewer criminals, running against incumbent L.A. DA Jackie Lacey.

Soros has a long history of funding radical international and domestic movements to advance the left’s agenda. Since 2015, he has been investing in local district attorney elections because DAs who are soft on crime will increase crime rates and enable rioting. The resulting social instability and fear play into the left’s desires for bigger government. Naturally, he has been quite successful, given that candidates in these races typically spend in the low five figures.

The left-wing activist has pumped tens of millions of dollars into local races in Texas, Colorado, California, Oregon, Washington, Florida, and New York, as well as swing states such as Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Arizona. The Los Angeles Times reported in 2018 that Soros spent $2,700,000 on California DA races alone, and another $16 million on 17 DA races in other states.

The money Soros is pouring into the L.A. County race aims to remove Lacey, who is the county’s first black district attorney and is seeking a third term. According to The Daily Wire, social justice advocacy groups, including Black Lives Matter, recruited Gascon to come to L.A. He was previously DA in San Francisco, which has become nationally notorious for its refusal to enforce drug, violence, theft, and other basic safety and decency laws, resulting in unsafe and poop-filled streets where women and children are terrorized by vagrants.

Gascon has met with the co-founder and key strategist of the Black Lives Matter global network, Patrisse Cullors. Cullors has publicly proclaimed herself a “trained Marxist.”

One would think that a group like Black Lives Matter would not be interested in unseating a black woman and replacing her with a white man. However, Lacey has become a target of leftists like Soros and groups like BLM because the left doesn’t truly care about people’s identities, it just uses identity politics when useful to gain power. Since Lacey’s sex and race are not useful to the left’s goals in this case, they don’t care that she’s black woman. She must go.

“No matter who you have in this job, they still have to follow California law,” Lacey said in a CNN interview. In contrast, Gascon has made a name for himself by crafting two state measures, Proposition 47 and Proposition 57, both of which benefit hardcore criminals. Proposition 47 decriminalizes drug and theft offenses, reducing the felonies to misdemeanors. Proposition 57 gives serious criminals such as rapists, human traffickers, child molesters, and drive-by-shooters early release from prison.

Michele Hanisee, president of the Association of Deputy District Attorneys (ADDA), a professional group of deputy prosecutors in L.A. County, said on their website, “Special interest groups, funded by George Soros, pumped millions of dollars into district attorney races across the county.” “In Los Angeles County, we can expect big money to be spent on the District Attorney’s race,” warned Hanisee, “George Gascon will attract Soros PAC money by promising not to enforce the laws that voters enacted.”

The ADDA endorsed Lacey, stating she is an “experienced, career prosecutor with a record of reforming the justice system while keeping crime at historically low rates.” “She has kept politics out of the DA’s office and respected the rule of law,” the group affirmed. “Gascon, on the other hand,” wrote Hanisee, “is running on a promise of ‘turning our court system upside down.’”