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Daily Caller Editor: Google Won’t Let You See Our Article Even If You Search For It By Name

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Image CreditPhotoMIX Ltd./Pexels

Searches of the article’s exact title placed it on pages that statistically nearly no one ever clicks on, while articles that present pro-abortion perspectives come up first instead.


Editor-in-Chief Geoffrey Ingersoll on Thursday showed Google hid a Daily Caller article about the World Health Organization’s abortion advocacy in its search results. Searches of the article’s exact title placed it on pages that statistically nearly no one ever clicks on, while articles that present pro-abortion perspectives come up first instead.

According to Ingersoll, even when fed exact phrases and quotes from the article including just the headline and SEO headline, Google’s search engine doesn’t display the Caller article earlier than at least page 10. The Federalist found similar search results using different browsers and search histories — placing the exact title in quote marks to search for it specifically did not pull up the article on the first page of Google’s search results.

Instead of showing the Caller article, for Ingersoll the WHO’s original abortion webpage is displayed along with third-party sites that picked up the Caller article but don’t all link to the Caller’s original story.

According to Ingersoll, instead of the article headlined with these exact search terms, a “FULL PAGE of pro-abortion advocacy” shows up, along with the previously mentioned results.

Ingersoll also pointed out that this problem doesn’t occur on other algorithm-free search engine platforms such as Bing, Duck Duck Go, and Yandex. The Fedederalist found this same result with Duck Duck Go.

While a public search liaison for Google tried to justify the suppression, claiming the article wasn’t “currently indexed,” the Caller’s “in house dev” debunked Google’s claims showing that the Caller’s sitemap index is the same for all search engine platforms. That hasn’t led to similar results, as Google suggests it should.

Google later tweeted claiming that their site was experiencing an indexing error and that they were working to get it resolved.

This fits a long and growing trend of corporate media and big tech deciding what content users can see, with big implications for elections and even just political discourse, as studies have found that what information you know affects your views.