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Byron York On Why Washington And The Media Are Obsessed With Trump

York explains Democrats’ quest to impeach Trump and explores why “the media were gripped by an anti-Trump hysteria that blinded them to reality.”


Chief political correspondent at the Washington Examiner and author Byron York joins Host Ben Domenech to discuss his most recent book “Obsession: Inside the Washington Establishment’s Never-Ending War on Trump.”

York explains his work documenting the Democrats’ quest to impeach President Trump from day one of his presidency and explores why “the media were gripped by an anti-Trump hysteria that blinded them to reality.”

According to York, the “war” against Trump began with the Mueller report and is still ongoing.

“Instead of just moving on and saying, we were wrong. They’re going to continue to insist, perhaps to their dying day, that it really took place,” he said. 

Despite the evidence proving that the allegations about Russia and Trump were wrong, York says many on the left and in the media are holding onto the accusations, writing books, and continuing to perpetuate the false collusion narrative.

“I think you’re getting a lot of people who are still defending their position,” York said. “Even though, Robert Muller, who had a team of very aggressive prosecutors who had all the time they needed, all the money they needed, all the resources they needed, and most importantly, all the law enforcement powers you can have in the United States, they couldn’t establish that this happened.”

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