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Joe Biden Mixes Up Iowa For Ohio During Campaign Stop

Image CreditSteve Guest

2020 Democratic presidential frontrunner Joe Biden made his latest slip-up Saturday during a campaign stop in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

Speaking to voters at a fish-fry fundraiser hosted by Democratic Rep. Abby Finkenauer in the critical first-in-the-nation caucus state, the former Vice President claimed he was in Ohio before quickly correcting the error.

“How many unsafe bridges do you still have here in the state of Ohio?” Biden asked a group of Iowa voters. “I mean Iowa, and I was just in Ohio because they have more.”

According to the Wall Street Journal’s Tarini Parti, the mistake did not go over well with some at the event.

“At the fish fry in Cedar Rapids, Biden says he’s in Ohio instead of Iowa. Quickly corrects himself but I spotted some in the crowd shaking their heads,” Parti tweeted.

The weekend mix-up is not the first time Biden has confused which state he was in, sowing further doubts about the former vice president’s age and ability to take on President Donald Trump next fall let alone run the country.

In August, the 76-year-old candidate mixed up being in Vermont when he was actually in New Hampshire.

“I love this place. Look, what’s not to like about Vermont in terms of the beauty of it? And what a neat town,” Biden said to reporters. “This is like a scenic, beautiful town. They mayor’s been a good guy. Everybody has been really friendly. I like Keene a lot.”

On the same day, Biden forgot which building he spoke in for a stop at Dartmouth College when reciting the tale to a crowd in New Hampshire.

“I want to be clear, I’m not going nuts,” Biden declared after stuttering. “I’m not sure whether it was the medical school or where the hell I spoke. But it was on the campus.”

Read a running list of Biden’s gaffes throughout the campaign here.