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Dearth Of Attacks Over Hunter Biden Show Joe Isn’t The Candidate To Beat

Recent polls have been inconclusive as to whether Biden or Warren is winning the primary, but tonight’s debate cleared up any confusion.


The recent scandal involving Hunter Biden’s shockingly lucrative board position at a Ukraine company would have proven an ideal opportunity to tear down the campaign of the ostensible frontrunner during last night’s debate. However, not one candidate disparaged the nepotistic and potentially corrupt nature of Hunter’s position, even as the first question of the evening focused on President Trump’s impeachment investigation looking into related communications with Ukraine.

In fact, every single candidate last night supported Joe Biden in some form or other. Sen. Bernie Sanders explicitly vouched for the former vice president’s conduct, attempting to shift focus once again to Trump. This outpouring of support for Biden may appear to be a saving grace for his campaign, but it underscores that he is no longer a threat. The fourth Democratic debate soundly displayed that Elizabeth Warren is officially the candidate to beat.

Recent polls have been inconclusive as to whether Biden or Warren is actually winning the primary, but tonight’s debate cleared up any confusion. Several candidates, including Biden, Amy Klobuchar, and Pete Buttigeig, aggressively attacked the feasibility of Warren’s plans throughout the night, yet Biden received very little push back on his own record or proposals. Warren has officially cemented herself as the new leader of the primary, and polls will likely prove just this.