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Indiana Attorney General Confirms Forthcoming Investigation Into Abortionist’s 2,000 Baby Remains

While sorting the late abortionist’s property, his family discovered 2,246 medically preserved fetal remains. State and federal investigations are forthcoming.


Yesterday, the Allen County Right to Life held a press conference outside the Fort Wayne, Indiana, abortion facility previously owned and operated by the now-deceased Urich George Klopfer. During the half-hour media outreach, the speakers demanded an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the discovery of the remains of thousands of aborted babies at Klopfer’s northern Illinois home. By day’s end, Indiana’s attorney general confirmed in a statement to The Federalist that a full investigation will be forthcoming, while the White House announced a call for a separate federal investigation.

Late last week, an attorney for Klopfer’s family contacted the Will County Sheriff’s Office in Illinois, informing law enforcement officers that while sorting Klopfer’s property, the family had discovered 2,246 medically preserved fetal remains. A team of sheriff detectives, crime scene investigators, and representatives of the coroner’s office responded to the call and removed the human remains.

While the gruesome discovery occurred in Illinois, the story quickly became national news. But for those in the neighboring Hoosier State, the news hit closer to home, as Klopfer is “believed to be Indiana’s most prolific abortion doctor,” performing thousands of abortions throughout the state over more than four decades. At one time, Klopfer had abortion facilities in Gary, Fort Wayne, and South Bend, Indiana, but he had not performed any abortions — at least as far as is known — since 2015, as the state pulled his medical license in 2016.

In response to the news, the Allen County Right to Life quickly organized a Monday press conference, with Executive Director Cathie Humbarger demanding justice for the innocent human beings discovered at Klopfer’s home. “We have many questions, and we call on Illinois and Indiana authorities to work together to investigate and provide answers,” Humbarger opened. “We demand closure for the women who had abortions at Klopfer’s facilities.”

One of those women spoke next: Serena Dyksen told how when she was 13, a family member had raped her, after years of grooming by the sexual predator. When the abuse was discovered, she was taken to a family doctor who referred Dyksen to the Women’s Pavilion, where Klopfer aborted her baby, which he described to the young teen simply as a “clump of cells.”

Dyksen recounted the aftermath of the abortion Klopfer had performed years before — both physical and mental — and how the discovery of the remains stirred up so many emotions. Was her daughter one of the unborn babies discovered? Dyksen needed to know, she explained, noting that she intended to hire an attorney to sue Klopfer’s estate to learn the truth.

What about the other unborn children whose remains were discovered? Did their mothers know? President of Indiana Right to Life Mike Fichter asked. “This discovery opens a flood of questions that must be answered,” he told the audience. When and where did they die? Are there more remains at other properties? Were the bodies being preserved to be sold? Are there staff members who are complicit? Fichter rattled off these questions likely hoping the state legislators in attendance — state Sens. Liz Brown and Dennis Kruse, and Rep. Christy Stutzman — would take note and push for an investigation.

While the Indiana pro-life contingency organized the press conference to spur an investigation, no prompting was needed. Yesterday, Indiana’s Attorney General Curtis Hill said in a statement provided to The Federalist that “this past weekend, I conferred with Illinois Attorney General Kwame Raoul, and he and I have agreed to work together as my office coordinates an investigation.”

A federal investigation is likely to begin soon as well, according to Philip Wegmann at RealClearPolitics, who reported yesterday that “Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb had turned to federal authorities for help.” The White House confirmed to RealClearPolitics later in the day “that the administration will call for a full federal investigation.”

“Murdering thousands of innocent babies is one thing, but preserving and hoarding their bodies like trophies is a new level of sickness,” White House deputy press secretary Judd Deere told RealClearPolitics, adding that “a full investigation is needed to determine whether crimes were committed and if anyone else was involved.”

Hopefully, state and federal investigators will soon have some answers. And hopefully soon, the preserved remains of the aborted babies will provide pro-choice Americans the proof they need of the humanity of the unborn. But given that Kermit Gosnell couldn’t even do that, I’m not holding out hope.