Season 6 of ABC’s “Bachelor in Paradise” launched a two-night special in which one of the contestants identifies herself as “gender-fluid,” although it’s not clear how or whether she distinguishes that from being gay or bisexual.
Before “Paradise” began, the show highlighted a sit-down with contestants Demi Burnett and Hannah Brown, in which Burnett told Brown she is gender fluid. Both women competed on season 23 of the Bachelor, where their friendship began.
“I have been kind of seeing someone. Of course — plot twist — it happens to be a woman,” Burnett told Brown. “It’s not something that I need to label, so I feel like I don’t have to proclaim that I am gay, I am straight, I am bisexual, I am this. I just like who I like. It doesn’t matter who or what you are, it’s the person.”
But, just days before that conversation aired, Burnett tweeted, “Spoiler alert: I’m a queer queen.”
Spoiler alert: I’m a queer queen 👸🏼💕🌈 #BachelorInParadise
— Demi Burnett (@demi_burnett) July 23, 2019
In the four hours of “Paradise” that have premiered thus far, Burnett’s relationships appear to be heterosexual. She announced that she was only interested in exploring heterosexual relationships while in “Paradise,” yet she is also in a relationship with a woman.
I love watching Burnett on TV, especially in “Paradise.” She keeps it real and calls out anyone who brings drama to the beachfront. But I also think ABC is using Burnett to virtue signal about their cultural leftism.
Burnett entered “Paradise” with a girlfriend she claims makes her incredibly happy. So she entered a heterosexual television series to do what? Explore her sexuality on reality television? If that’s the case, then ABC should accept its badge of wokeness for her presence and remove her from the show. She’s not on the show for the engagement in the end, so there’s no point in keeping her on.
One of the most common complaints made by contestants from the Bachelor franchise is that some people “aren’t here for the right reasons.” How is experimenting with homosexuality while the rest of the contestants are heterosexual and looking for an engagement at the end of the show equate to being there for the right reasons? It doesn’t.
I have no problem with Burnett’s homosexuality. What I do have a problem with is ABC using her sexuality to boost ratings and cater to the woke culture.