This past weekend, Democratic Rep. Steny Hoyer spoke to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee’s annual conference. Without listing names, he spoke to the audience forcefully on dual-loyalty smears against Jewish people, of which Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) of his own party has been guilty: “So ladies and gentlemen, when someone accuses American supporters of dual loyalty, I say: accuse me…Let’s have debates on policy instead of impugning the loyalty of Israel’s supporters.”
These remarks, while commendable, likely would have been regarded as unremarkable just last year. But in this era of frequent running cover for the anti-Semitism of Democrats’ progressive wing, Hoyer’s remarks have suddenly become “controversial.”
Tommy Vietor, a former Obama spokesperson and now professional podcaster, had some choice words for Hoyer in response to the representative’s comments at AIPAC. Sunday evening, Vietor took to Twitter to share disgust:
Omar’s most recent smear he mentions involved accusations that American Jews have dual loyalty to the United States and to Israel (yes, we need to use the term “most recent” since Omar has invoked anti-Semitic tropes on multiple occasions). While admitting “reasonable people” could find her comments “hurtful and the clarification insufficient,” Vietor found “Hoyer’s attack gratuitous given the amount of debate about it and his leadership position.”
Vietor’s response is just a microcosm of the Democrat Party’s inability to accept and rightfully condemn their a burgeoning anti-Semitism problem. Even when “reasonable people” find Omar’s dual-loyalty smears deeply unsettling, there will be someone within the ranks of the left to minimize such anti-Semitism and, even worse, to criticize those who have the gumption to condemn such hatred.
What makes Vietor’s comments comical is that Omar has not “clarified” anything. She has not penned one op-ed defining what precisely about Israeli policy she finds problematic, which would bolster her claim that she is criticizing Israel, not Jews.
If Omar were sincere about attempting to refute the accusations of anti-Semitism, it would have made sense for her to have articulated the parts of Israeli policy to which she objects. But she hasn’t, and it is reasonable to wonder why.
Often, anti-Semites use anti-Zionism as a socially acceptable cloak for deep-seated ethnic hatred. Generic, blanket hatred of Israel is a convenient mask for Jew-haters. Yet the “gig” typically collapses when such anti-Semites are invited to describe which particular aspect of Israeli policy disturbs them, for it exposes their hatred’s ethnic underpinnings.
Vietor’s defense is nauseating because it evinces a troubling trend on the left. Have we really reached the point in our discourse where condemning anti-Semitic dual-loyalty smears is controversial? As evidence of such absurdity, Hoyer has released a statement indicating that his AIPAC comments were “misinterpreted.”
Vietor’s attack on Hoyer—and Hoyer’s submissive response—shows the toxicity of the “woke” progressive brigade and its capacity to bludgeon the Democrat establishment into full-throatedly accepting, elevating, and thereby condoning anti-Semitism within its own ranks. While Hoyer’s response to progressive backlash is unsurprising, it points to a deeper sickness within the Democrat Party.
As I have repeatedly written, an internal fight is transpiring between the leftists and the establishment for the soul of the Democrat Party. As Hoyer’s milquetoast kowtowing indicates, the progressives continue to amass power over their establishment counterparts. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has refused to tackle anti-Semitism within her party, and it increasingly seems her cowardice is a shared feature, not a bug, of the collective malaise that has seized the modern left.
In their desperation for the younger, more progressive electorate, the Democratic Party bends to the likes of individuals like Vietor, who run around challenging critics of anti-Semites by accusing those critics of not being “team players.” In the new era of the woke Democrat Party, being a “team player” means at peace with anti-Semitism.
Hoyer had an opportunity to put the anti-Semitic brigade of his party in its place. And he didn’t. The leftists of the modern Democrat Party continue their rabid cannibalizing of the party apace. oyHOy