CNN asked five Republican women if they believe Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s denial against an allegation of sexual assault. They all said yes.
The CNN reporter, Radni Kaye, kicked things off by asking them to raise their hands if they believe Kavanaugh. They all raised their hands
“In the grand scheme of things, my goodness, there was no intercourse, there was a touch,” Irina Vilarino, a GOP voter said. “Really? Thirty-six years later, she’s still stuck on that?”
CNN asks 5 women if they believe Judge Brett Kavanaugh's denial that he ever engaged in any kind of sexual misconduct with Christine Blasey Ford.
All 5 women say they believe him and they have no problem with him being on the Supreme
— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) September 21, 2018
“Why would she come forward if this wasn’t true?” Kaye asked. “Because this has basically destroyed her family. She’s had to move; she’s gone undercover; she’s gotten death threats. So if she’s lying, why come forward?”
“She’s also destroying his life, his wife’s life, his children’s lives, his career,” Vilarino said. “Why didn’t she come out sooner if she’s telling the truth?”
“Why didn’t she come out when he was going into the Bush White House?” Angie Vasquez said. “He’s been a federal judge for over a decade!
“Why not have a thorough investigation instead of just the two of them ‘he said, she said?” Kaye asked.
“Because it doesn’t matter!” another woman said.
“Do you have some sympathy for her for what she’s going through?”
“No,” Lourdes Castillo de la Peña responded. “I have no sympathy.”