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Ana Navarro Defends CNN As ‘Very Balanced’

Image CreditABC

Guest host Ana Navarro and Meghan McCain got in a heated debate about media bias and fake news Friday morning on ‘The View.’


Ana Navarro got in a yelling match with Meghan McCain on Friday’s episode of “The View” after McCain pointed out the liberal bias of CNN. Navarro, who is a frequent CNN commentator, adamantly defended the cable news channel’s “balanced” reporting.

McCain was discussing the phrase, “enemy of the people,” which President Donald Trump frequently uses when referring to media outlets who repeatedly publish fake news.

“I don’t agree with that terminology because I use the word ‘enemy’ for things like ISIS, for people that are trying to inflict harm on the United States of America,” McCain said, “but I will say when you are talking about media coverage and liberal media bias, it’s something that’s real and really exists.”


Stormy Daniels’ attorney, Michael Avenatti, who was also at the table, injected that Republicans “have a station that’s dedicated to their propaganda,” referring to Fox News. McCain rebutted that the Democrats have CNN.

Navarro, an anti-Trump Republican strategist, rebutted that, “CNN tries to be very balanced. CNN has commentators on like me and every time I’m on, I’m on against somebody that is defending Trump.”

Navarro and McCain went back and forth, talking over each other and arguing what networks and journalists do or don’t have media bias.

“And so MSNBC where you worked does not have bias?” Navarro asked.

McCain responded that she has worked at Fox News, MSNBC, and now ABC, and asked why that mattered.

“Why are you re-litigating my career right now?” McCain asked Navarro. “Now I’m on ABC. I’ve worked on many networks.”

“Because you’re attacking CNN, which is my career,” Navarro responded before Joy Behar interjected and changed the subject.