Reps. Mark Meadows and Jim Jordan and nine cosponsors introduced articles of impeachment against Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein on Wednesday in light of evidence that the agency bungled investigations into Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton leading up to the 2016 election.
According to those sponsoring the articles, this comes after the Department of Justice mishandled information, stonewalled Congress, and abused the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act process in order to surveil Trump campaign associate Carter Page. The DOJ has been steadfastly refusing to release documents Congress has demanded under authority of their oversight powers.
On Saturday, the DOJ released a copy of the FISA application it filed to gain permission to secretly surveil Page. It made clear that the agency had relied heavily on the infamous dossier compiled by Christopher Steele that was riddled with false information and wild claims.
“For 9 months we’ve warned them consequences were coming, and for 9 months we’ve heard the same excuses backed up by the same unacceptable conduct,” Meadows said in a statement. “Time is up and the consequences are here. It’s time to find a new Deputy Attorney General who is serious about accountability and transparency.”
‘The DOJ is keeping information from Congress,” Jordan said. “Enough is enough. It’s time to hold Mr. Rosenstein accountable for blocking Congress’s constitutional oversight role.”
House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte and House Oversight Chairman Trey Gowdy did not cosponsor the articles. You can read the articles of impeachment here.