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Will Meghan Markle’s Dad Get It Together And Walk Her Down The Aisle?

meghan markle

Thomas Markle has been giving interviews teasing out whether or not he will be in St. George’s Chapel on Saturday when Meghan gets married.


The royal wedding is just days away, but it’s unclear whether or not Meghan Markle’s dad will walk her down the aisle and give her away to Prince Harry on Saturday, or if he will skip the whole affair and stay in the United States.

The drama has been unfolding in the public eye as Thomas Markle has been giving interviews to tabloid sites like TMZ about his relationship with his daughter and teasing out whether or not he will be in St. George’s Chapel on Saturday, after he was reportedly caught staging photos with a photographer for cash.

On Sunday, The Daily Mail ran a story with security footage showing Thomas staging photos with a British photographer that he reportedly made him $135,000. In the series of photos, the 73-year-old former lighting director was spotted reading news about his daughter’s upcoming nuptials online and exercising in preparation of the big day.

The debacle kicked off a media firestorm, which spurred Thomas to back out of his role of walking Meghan down the aisle on Saturday. He told TMZ on Monday he didn’t want to further embarrass his daughter, so he would not attend the wedding or walk her down the aisle. He added that he was still recovering from a heart attack he reportedly suffered from last week.

But less than 24 hours later, Thomas was back on the phone with TMZ. He told them he is planning to attend and walk Meghan down the aisle after all, but only if his doctor gives him the green light. The change of heart, he says, follows a text from his daughter, which he discussed with the gossip site:

Thomas tells TMZ Meghan tried calling him Monday but he was not near his phone. She followed up with a text telling him she loved him and was concerned about his health. He says she harbors no ill feelings toward him for making a deal with a paparazzi agency to stage photos of him getting ready for the wedding.

Meanwhile, members of Meghan’s extended family, who were not invited to the wedding, were spotted arriving at Heathrow airport on Monday. Her half-brother’s ex-wife, Tracy Dooley, and her two sons, Tyler and Thomas, have reportedly snagged gigs as “special correspondents” for Good Morning Britain this week, despite the fact that none of these three have spoken to Meghan in 20 years.

Here’s a clip of an interview they did with the show two months ago.

Yikes. This interview is cringe worthy to the max. Who goes on TV to talk about not being invited to a family member’s wedding?

The whole thing is really sad. On top of stressing over the wedding — which will be televised for the entire world to see — the bride-to-be has to see her cousins are dangling their distant familial relations with her to clock airtime on TV. And her dad, of all people, is playing a game of chicken with her special day in order to reportedly peddle photos for money.

Let’s hope the royal family can be the family Meghan “never had.”