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Politico VP Demands Correction While Misconstruing His Outlet’s Coverage Of Second-Edition Grassley Letter

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Although Federalist editor Mollie Hemingway clearly focused on the ‘more transparent letter released Tuesday,’ Politico VP of Communications Brad Dayspring took to Twitter to demand a correction.


This morning Federalist Senior Editor Mollie Hemingway exposed the media’s genetic predisposition to bury stories harmful to their Russian narrative in “How The Media Buried Two Huge FBI Stories Yesterday.” Hemingway highlighted the press’ failure to discuss the explosive details in Tuesday’s release of a second version, with fewer redactions, of a criminal referral letter authored by Senate Judiciary Committee Chariman Chuck Grassley and Crime and Terrorism Subcommittee Chairman Lindsey Graham.

Hemingway called out, among other outlets, Politico’s disinterest: “Certainly Politico covered the dramatically more transparent letter released Tuesday, right? Wrong. I mean, it’s not a scandal if you don’t look at it!”

Although Hemingway clearly focused on the “more transparent letter released Tuesday,” Politico VP of Communications Brad Dayspring took to Twitter to demand a correction.

But in asking for an “update for accuracy,” Dayspring linked to Politico’s February 5, 2018, story that was based on the initial letter released Monday, February 5. That initial letter was heavily redacted. Hemingway’s article even linked to that same Politico story. Click on “Wrong” from the column and you’ll arrive at this webpage.

When Hemingway pointed out her story is accurate as written, Dayspring doubled down, replying: “Got it. So we covered it, just not enough to your liking. I’ll pass along your concern.”

No, Dayspring, Politico in fact did not cover the less-redacted letter from Tuesday. That is exactly what Hemingway highlighted. Hemingway is due a correction from Dayspring. For accuracy, as they say.

Lest readers think this is a petty fight between political outlets, compare the two versions. The new material released on Tuesday was jarring, as Hemingway detailed in another article Wedneday.

Heavily Redacted Letter, Released February 5, 2018

Letter With Fewer Redactions, Released February 6, 2018