At least two years after the Center for Medical Progress released explosive undercover videos showing Planned Parenthood (PP) profited from aborted baby part harvesting, the Department of Justice has finally announced they will investigate PP.
The videos prompted an investigation by the House Oversight Committee, which found, among other things, that PP did not need federal funding. Following that, the Senate Judiciary investigated PP and issued a report, “Human Fetal Tissue Research: Context and Controversy” published last December. Its summary says, “The activities of those involved, in the fetal tissue transfer industry potentially implicate a number of federal laws.”
Following that, committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) told the FBI it should investigate PP: “The report documents the failure of the Department of Justice, across multiple administrations, to enforce the law that bans the buying and selling of human fetal tissue. It also documents substantial evidence suggesting that the specific entities involved in the recent controversy, and/or individuals employed by those entities, may have violated that law.”
Now, Fox News reports that Justice Department Assistant Attorney General Stephen Boyd has requested unredacted documents from the Senate Judiciary Committee, “in order to further the Department’s ability to conduct a thorough and comprehensive assessment of that report based on the full range of information available.”
Center for Medical Progress founder David Daleiden said in a statement, “Over two years ago, citizen journalists at The Center for Medical Progress first caught Planned Parenthood’s top abortion doctors in a series of undercover videos callously and flippantly negotiating the sale of tiny baby hearts, lungs, livers, and brains. Since then, two Congressional investigations found even deeper wrongdoing and confirmed that Planned Parenthood Federation of America, several of their biggest affiliates, and multiple business partners broke the law in a profit-driven scheme to commodify dismembered baby body parts. It is time for public officials to finally hold Planned Parenthood and their criminal abortion enterprise accountable under the law.”
Given the myriad investigations and their findings, the real question is, if the DOJ comes to the same conclusion previous investigations have, what should be done about it? At best, this should give Congress the gumption it needs to finally defund the immoral behemoth that is Planned Parenthood.