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Watch The Donald Trump Ad The Mainstream Media Don’t Want You To See

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President Donald Trump’s campaign tried to air this ad touting his first 100 days in office. The media refused to air it. See the ad for yourself.


On Monday, President Donald Trump’s campaign released an ad touting the president’s accomplishments during his first 100 days in office. According to Trump’s campaign, however, every major mainstream news network — including CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC — straight up refused to air the ad, which attacks the media for not covering Trump’s achievements in office.

Here’s the full 30-second ad:

“A respected Supreme Court justice confirmed, companies investing in American jobs again, America becoming more independent, regulations that kill American jobs eliminated, the biggest tax cut plan in history,” the ad’s narrator declares. “You wouldn’t know it from watching the news,” he notes as a graphic blaring “FAKE NEWS” appears.

“America is winning, and President Trump is making America great again,” the ad concludes.

Trump’s campaign blasted the major networks in a press release issued on Friday afternoon.

“Apparently, the mainstream media are champions of the First Amendment only when it serves their own political views,” the release stated. “Faced with an ad that doesn’t fit their biased narrative, CNN, ABC, CBS, and NBC have now all chosen to block our ad. This is an unprecedented act of censorship in America that should concern every freedom-loving citizen.”

Jamestown Associates, the political consulting firm which produced the ad, also blasted the outlets that allegedly refused to air Trump’s ad.

“In an unprecedented move, the mainstream TV networks censored a Presidential TV ad,” the firm’s press release said. “No matter your ideology, the notion of censorship should send a chill up your spine. The First Amendment is first for a reason – no right is more fundamental and inherently American than freedom of speech. Yet, CNN, CBS, ABC, and NBC decided you cannot see it on their airwaves. To our knowledge, this has never happened before.”

You can watch the full Trump ad touting the president’s accomplishments during hi first 100 days in office here.