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Planned Parenthood’s Organs-For-Lamborghinis Exec Busted Again Trying To Sell Baby Body Parts

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Image Creditscreengrab/youtube

The Planned Parenthood executive who joked about selling baby organs to get a Lamborghini was once again caught haggling over the price.


The Planned Parenthood executive who in 2015 was caught on tape joking about selling baby organs to get a Lamborghini was once again caught haggling over the price of organs harvested from the bodies of aborted babies.

In a new video by the Center for Medical Progress, Dr. Mary Gatter, president of the Medical Directors Council for the nation’s largest abortion provider, is negotiating the price of organs.

“I did it in LA,” she said about harvesting organs from aborted babies bodies in exchange for money. “I’m committed to it, I think it’s a great idea.”

“What kind of volume do you need and what gestational ages?” she brusquely asks before launching into a negotiation.

“You know, you have to pay a little money to use the space,” she said, implying that the organ harvesters, not Planned Parenthood employees, would be doing all the work.

When a Center for Medical progress investigator posing as an organ buyer tells Gatter they’re looking to pay $50 per specimen, she responds that the amount offered is simply not enough.

“Yeah, fifty’s on the low end,” Gatter says. “Fifty (per specimen) was like 12 years ago.”

Under federal law, Planned Parenthood can be reimbursed for the costs of harvesting organs, but the details of this informal arrangement make it clear the abortion provider would not have any costs.

“But you would show up to do this?” she asks. “You would send somebody?” 

When the CMP investigator answered affirmatively, Gatter noted Planned Parenthood clinics had a similar arrangement with another organ buyer, Novagenix.

“We had a lovely tech, Heather was her name, from Novagenix,” she said.

She went onto explain that Heather would harvest organs from babies as old as 24 weeks.

“The fact that Novogenix, StemExpress, and ABR stationed their own workers inside Planned Parenthood abortion clinics to perform the harvesting, packaging, and transport of aborted baby body parts demonstrates that Planned Parenthood had no reimbursable costs under the law,” said CMP project lead David Daleiden. “The volume-based sums that Planned Parenthood charged these businesses for baby parts are criminal trafficking and profiteering in fetal body parts.”