Erica Grieder, Texas-based journalist and author, joined Ben Domenech on The Federalist Radio to discuss CPAC, conservative media, Rick Perry, and the nuances of Texas politics.
Donald Trump’s lack of ideology and tendency towards ethno-nationalist populism is a poor fit with republicans in Texas, Greider said. “Even our democrats are not very populist in Texas,” she said. “Trump was a weak candidate in Texas. He underperformed there. He lost the primary by 17 points to Ted Cruz.”
Domenech and Greider discuss how the 2016 election results are reflective of both media bias and the differences between conservatives in red states and blue states. “You’re talking on some level about the differences between states where people have strong community ties and neighborhoods, where they feel they are part of a community that can solve it’s own problems, and those who feel like they’re disenfranchised or communities are falling apart,” Domenech said.
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