In a new Planned Parenthood ad, a woman says the best thing the nation’s largest abortion provider did for her was to tell her to leave and not abort her son.
“I wish I knew her name so that I could thank her for the role that she played in making me a mother,” the woman who is identified in the video’s description as Adeline said about the doctor who sent her home from the clinic.
Here’s the full text of what she said.
I found out I was pregnant, and it was not planned. The most pragmatic option was to get an abortion. I honestly was very conflicted. When I went in to see the actual physician I was a wreck. She took a look at me and said: ‘Something tells me that today is not the day. Sleep on it and then reschedule.’ I wish I knew her name so that I could thank her for the role that she played in making me a mother.
The ad is part of Planned Parenthood’s fight to continue receiving taxpayer dollars, despite Congress’s recent efforts to defund them. The nation’s largest abortion provider is frantically trying to prove themselves worthy of taxpayer dollars by insisting that they do more than just provide abortions. It’s a cosmetic makeover in a desperate attempt to prevent a Republican Congress from fulfilling its decades of promises to voters to stop making them pay for abortions and abortion providers.
The truth is that Planned Parenthood specializes in abortion, a fact they like to hide by trotting out the lie that abortion only accounts for 3 percent of the services they provide. But this statistic is false. Planned Parenthood performs 30 percent of abortions in the United States, yet provides less than 2 percent of the all pap tests and breast exams in the country.
Despite receiving more than $540 million in tax dollars annually, Planned Parenthood still expects Medicaid patients to pay for half of the cost of their visits. To be eligible for Medicaid, one must be living at or close to the poverty line, which suggests the abortion organization cares more about making money than caring for women in need.
Planned Parenthood abortionists killed more than 330,000 unborn babies last year. The organization claims women “depend on” them to provide prenatal care, but a recent Live Action investigation casts doubt over that claim.
“Only five of the 97 Planned Parenthood facilities [investigators] contacted provide prenatal care,” LifeNews reported. “The rest turned away women or offered them abortions instead.”
More than 80 percent of Americans want to restrict abortion to at least the first trimester, which is common in European countries, and most (62 percent) oppose taxpayer dollars being spent on abortions.