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Watch Media Embarrass Themselves During Obama’s Final WH Press Conference


Obama in response: ‘You’re not supposed to be sycophants, you’re supposed to ask tough questions.’


During Barack Obama’s final White House press conference on Wednesday, reporters asked the president effusive questions.

“You’re not supposed to be sycophants, you’re supposed to be skeptics, you’re supposed to ask tough questions,” Obama said.

Shortly after the president’s lecture, reporters proceeded to fangirl the president and ask him softball questions. Here’s a montage of some of the most over-the-top questions and complimentary statements from the press.

“On LGBT rights, we have seen a lot of achievements over the past eight years, including signing hate crime protection legislation, ‘Don’t ask, don’t tell’ repeal, marriage equality nationwide, and ensuring transgender people feel visible and respected,” Chris Johnson of The Blade said. “How do you think LGBT rights will rank in terms of your accomplishments and your legacy? And how confident are you that Congress will endure or continue under the president-elect?”

“Under your watch, people have said you have expanded the rubber band of inclusion,” another reporter said. “With the election and the incoming administration, people are saying, the rubber band has recoiled and maybe even is broken. I’m thinking back to a time on Air Force One going to Selma, Alabama when you said your job was to close the gaps that remain. With that, what gaps still remain? And also, what part will you play in fixing those gaps after, in your new life?” she asked.

(h/t Grabien)