In the video above, Jimmy Kimmel goes to great lengths to explain how the truth works. In short, he argues that truth is an objective fact that exists independently from the whims of human opinion. One must not confuse personal opinion with the nature of reality. Human opinion may or may not conform to the way things really are. But the truth doesn’t change simply because some people have a contrary opinion.
In Kimmel’s own words: “You can’t ‘make up your mind’ about the truth. The truth is the truth. If the truth isn’t true, it’s not the truth. Like if NASA says the earth is round [and] someone else says it’s flat, that’s not a difference of opinion. The earth is round. One thing is true, and the other [is not].”
I was quite surprised to see Kimmel go all metaphysical on his show. He intended to make a narrow point about a tweet from the president-elect. But I wonder if Kimmel realizes how broad the application is of the principle he’s just explained? I wonder if he realizes that this principle contradicts one of the primary dogmas of the sexual revolution: expressive individualism.
One’s Identity Also Has Objective Components
Expressive individualism worships the freedom to express our uniqueness against constraints and conventions. Because rules and social conventions encourage conformity, they are viewed as a threat to personal expression and individuality.
Expressive individualism holds that each person ought to be able to define his or her own identity, even if that identity is at odds with some objective reality. Furthermore, the expression of that identity becomes the path to happiness and flourishing. Anyone who questions or opposes that identity—no matter what it is—is a tyrannical obstacle to that person’s health and happiness.
Expressive individualism is deeply embedded in our cultural consciousness, and it is why transgenderism has recently been able to gain a foothold in the hearts and minds of otherwise reasonable people. Transgenderism is premised on the notion that every person ought to be able to define his or her own individual gender identity, even if that psychological identity is at odds with their biological sex. Furthermore, the expression of that gender identity is the path to happiness and flourishing. Anyone who opposes that gender identity—no matter what it is—is a tyrannical obstacle to that person’s health and happiness.
But Kimmel’s little comedy bit blows up expressive individualism and the ideology of transgenderism that is built upon it. If Kimmel is right, then the truth of our maleness and femaleness cannot be nullified by contrary human opinion. Attempts to change the signage through sex-change surgery don’t change the truth. Maleness and femaleness are an objective reality indicated by our biological sex. To assert otherwise is to make truth subject to the whims of human opinion. And that is just as farcical as Jimmy Kimmel suggests it is.