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Melania Trump’s White Pantsuit Proves She Is A Queen At Fashion Trolling

Image CreditGetty Images/AP

We need to talk about Melania Trump’s A+ fashion trolling last night.


While her husband delivered a speech early Wednesday morning accepting his presidential victory, Melania Trump wore this eye-catching ensemble.


Where have we seen a white pantsuit like this before?


Oh, right.

If you’ve been paying any attention to any of the insufferable media fangirling election news coverage over the past week, you’ve probably noticed that Hillary Clinton has been wearing a lot of white. Here’s The New York Times.

Screengrab/The New York Times

As Vanessa Friedman explains, Clinton wore white in the days leading up to the election to channel suffragettes, who embraced the color as a symbol or a rallying cry. Here’s Time magazine.

screengrab/Time Magazine

OKAY, WE GET IT. Hillary Clinton is a woman. She is was running for president. And she is wearing white to clap back at all those sexist jerks who didn’t let women vote back in the day. Melania Trump turned this faux-feminist narrative on its head by reminding us all that women can wear white, look good, and vote for whoever the hell they want.

I’m not the only one who’s taken notice of Melania’s epic troll. The Daily Mail reports Melania’s suit is a $4,000 getup by Ralph Lauren — the same designer who fashioned Hillary Clinton’s other now-famous white pantsuits she wore to both the Democratic National Convention in July and to the final presidential debate in October. Slay, queen.

This isn’t the first time Melania Trump has trolled us all with her fashion choices. After some of her husband’s lewd comments threatened to damage the legitimacy of his presidential candidacy last month, Melania wore a “pussy-bow” shirt to the final presidential debate. Her outfit sent a message along the lines of: “I know what my husband said. I don’t care, and neither should you.”

Melania isn’t the only Trump who’s mastered the art of fashion trolling. The other day I spotted an interesting fashion choice from Ivanka Trump on the campaign trail.

If you’re not familiar with the picture of Hillary on the right, it’s a photo of her as First Lady wearing a cold-shoulder dress circa 1993. Sadly, she got an epic amount of flack from everyone for wearing this now-infamous dress. For what it’s worth, I think Hillary looks great, but whatever, it was the ’90s — the same decade we all thought jelly sandals were a great idea — so clearly no one was ready to recognize something fashionable even when it was right in front of them.

Ivanka’s decision to wear a cold-shoulder outfit on the campaign trail just a week shy of her father’s victory doesn’t seem like an accident. It seems like another masterful fashion troll from the Trump women. I don’t know about you, but I’m looking forward to four more years of these outfit wars and clap backs from the soon-to-be First Family.