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Mary Katharine Ham On Debate Previews, Moderators, And School Choice

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Image CreditBy tedeytan/Flickr by Forbes

Guy Benson and Amelia Hamilton join today’s Federalist Radio Hour to talk better debate moderators, universal preschool, and more.


Mary Katharine Ham previewed the upcoming presidential debate with Guy Benson, political editor at TownHall, and Amelia Hamilton, correspondent at, on today’s Federalist Radio Hour.

Benson said he thinks the first debate of the three is the most important, particularly for Trump.  “Trump doesn’t have to wow everyone with a bunch of policy knowledge that we never knew he had. He just needs to look and sound like a rational, sound, plausible president.”

Earlier this week, Mary Katharine Ham participated in an Atlantic panel about early childhood education and universal preschool. As an education correspondent, Hamilton and Ham discussed the risks and dangers of putting preschoolers into the standardized testing pipeline. “You don’t want to get into this ‘cradle-to-grave’ the government tells you how to parent, how to educate, what and when to teach,” Hamilton said.

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