Nicholas Eberstadt, scholar in political economy at AEI, joined The Federalist Radio Hour to discuss his new book, “Men Without Work: America’s Invisible Crisis,” and the cultural and economic shifts that have led to a decline in the U.S. labor force.
Eberstadt’s research examines the flight from work and the rise of young men who remain unemployed. “You can draw basically a straight line from 1965 to the present, with respect to this flight from work,” he said. “In no other affluent industrial democracy has this collapse of labor force participation for prime age guys been this acute, as intense as in the United States.”
What may be more frightening is how these unemployed men are spending their time. “Worship of the screens accounts for an average of over 2,000 hours a year. It is akin to full-time work.” Eberstadt said. “The huge problem here, of course, is what this may do to the suitability for reentry into the labor force.”
One debate to come out of this data will be how much of this is due to globalization and economic change, and how much is due to other factors. “I also look at something which scandalously has been under examined which is the huge crisis for men who have felony convictions in their background,” Eberstadt said.
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